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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Anywhere you can submit longer short stories? (6,000 words) 18/05/31(Thu)04:25 No. 17878

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I'd like to try sharing my story with stories. I wrote the story for myself in a way, and I've sat on it for a year, and feel that I should try sharing it with others.

It seems like places want shorter word counts. Are there any outlets for this?

alexsandro 19/02/21(Thu)15:04 No. 17948

What is your story about?

morgan1997 19/02/21(Thu)15:47 No. 17949

I wrote an essay about 6000 words. I will not say that I wrote it myself, but I am very grateful to the service https://gpalabs.com/essay-writing/buy-essay.html for the help. Long stories are always more interesting than short ones, as there is an opportunity to describe the events taking place more extensively, this is exactly what happened in my case. I'm happy with everything. If you are interested, I can share my essay (subject - psychology in a relationship)

23/01/23(Mon)14:20 No. 18346

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Thomas Hardy's best novels were serial publications at first. Just publish one section at a time

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