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17/10/03(Tue)10:53 No. 17836

File 150702083174.jpg - (18.34KB , 260x329 , 413MSxOZR3L__SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg )

I’m thinking of leaving my office job with the police force for a job in the health department. Can you pimp my resignation letter? Here’s what I’m thinking:
“You asked on the way back from DFO why I don’t want to work for the dept health, and I’ve been wondering that even since. Since it is about the meaningful of my work, and what could be more meaningful for me than doing the good work like police, and I’ve realised that for me it really is the dept health. Even though I might not have a job there after 12 months, I want to give it a go.”

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