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Stalker 17/08/21(Mon)02:33 No. 17830

File 150327560693.jpg - (86.36KB , 704x1000 , 00f79b3cf4b29b1faaf5ba032f27b285--movie-posters-ru.jpg )

Is there a sci-fi book out there that gives off a feeling like the one pic related film gives? If yes, please recommend me some.

17/10/23(Mon)22:47 No. 17840

File 150879166473.png - (555.90KB , 600x839 , or the american midwest.png )

The Stand honestly comes to mind. For much of its length it's too directed and eventful to have that vibe, but for dozens and sometimes hundreds of pages at a time it involves very small groups of people moving through empty country and confronting various mysteries and hazards, always with some far off goal they don't quite understand.

Very minor spoilers: The outbreak section of the book ends around page 200, and there's one very difficult journey through empty land near the end of the book.

I'll add that the first Dark Tower book does not have this feel at all even though it's also about one, two, maybe three people moving slowly and sometimes aimlessly through a wasteland. This is probably because it's peppered with interesting and dramatic flashbacks, and the scenery is too interesting. The Stand has a mundane quality about it, mostly familiar settings.

You might also enjoy Winterlong by Elizabeth Hand, though in addition to the stalking there's a lot of drama that plays out in the ruined museums and other landmarks of Washington, DC and the surrounding area.

What did you think of Roadside Picnic?

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