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Black Market Community 3 25/02/26(Wed)21:28 No. 4263

File 174060170910.jpg - (1.45MB , 2592x1944 , byebyebits.jpg )

Realize; firms that freeze crypto accounts will be blacklisted for violating the trust of clients. Bitcoin is not part of the governments intellectual property.

The whole point of bitcoin was to ensure financial privacy. If people don't agree with the underlying principles of this nothing asset (like digital collectible coins made out of potential electricity) then they shouldn't have invested in it in the first place.

Bitcoin is fair game, stealing nothing isn't really theft. If a company can't keep its' databases secure then they shouldn't be in the business of securing accounts.

You people should try to be more consistent in your legal practices.

Bitcoin is how people can avoid corrupt government hacks from stealing (freezing\confiscating) their assets. Any firms complying with investigations are not protecting their clients privacy.

The world needs tax havens for maritime shipping to function. The government can't completely control the economy.

Please, illustrate practical integrity before you get caught by more practical forces. Make believing in the law doesn't save worlds.

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