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/jew/ - Thrifty Living

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Modern Mom 25/02/11(Tue)15:13 No. 4245

File 173928318884.jpg - (2.81MB , 4000x3000 , 20250130_112809.jpg )

what would YOU do if you ingerited 300k USD and had no debt? enough passive income to retire would be great. maybe get a plumber and a truck to work for me or smth
pic unrelated i was mad about crackers

Modern Mom 25/02/11(Tue)17:43 No. 4246

Find a bunch of extremely talented mostly open source engineers and give them just enough money to compel to hang out with me and create insanely awesome shit. Work on AI basically. Together. Use them to help me solve certain problems. But without directly hiring them, because then this money would too quickly disappear. More something I ideological, but you know I could rent out spaces, get some hookers, make it appealing enough for them to come after work. Or just in their free time. Order pizza, make a great sound system, play some movies, whatever, but create a community. Which I would eventually convert into a company.

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