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I'm 25 years old, and have had trouble finding a GF in person, so I've decided to try the online route. Should I try online dating? What was yuor experience?
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I met by girlfriend on Tinder
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Just go on irc. it's where all the cool girls hang out. like quisty and fs
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>>2574 sorry thats quisty. THIS is fs.
>>2568well, but what kind of girls can you find at tinder?
I want to die
i can get u a GF
There are a lot of dating sites in Australia and it seems to me that soon there will be too many in order to choose one worthy one. It's very easy to get confused. And to prevent this from happening to you, I advise you to watch the review , you will love this site!
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>>2567 Remember the virgin scalar meme. According to it your chances are already over.