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poe 11/10/08(Sat)09:09 No. 1449

File 131805777452.png - (489.10KB , 639x478 , soku1.png )

Hey, you guys should play touhou with me. It's really fun. I promise. No, really, if you like fighting games it's pretty great. Also, other people play too. Join #touhou for more info.


Second one's the one we play, but you need them both to play all the characters.

[hmcd]✡✈▋▋!TJ6ZJp8Bvk 11/10/12(Wed)20:04 No. 1458

shut up poe

Poe 11/10/12(Wed)22:09 No. 1459

File 13184501625.jpg - (25.01KB , 500x332 , 1316466761521.jpg )

>implying anyone touhous anymore

JohnnyTurbo 11/10/22(Sat)02:28 No. 1489

File 131924332370.jpg - (225.07KB , 719x1200 , 13132558057.jpg )

Damn it poe that game got boring fast.

poe 11/10/25(Tue)09:25 No. 1497

Durr, maybe because you couldn't even get it working, faggot.

JohnnyTurbo 11/10/26(Wed)08:40 No. 1502

Funny how you talk big on the imageboard but not on mumble.

Poe 11/10/26(Wed)18:21 No. 1505


I love that mumble is your equivalent to in person.

[teh404tan]citizen0chan 11/10/28(Fri)14:16 No. 1514

That coming from a floating torso.

JohnnyTurbo 11/10/29(Sat)23:04 No. 1534

Coming from you poe.

hematite!urbI4JCLcg 11/10/30(Sun)01:02 No. 1538

i like how you think that's poe

poe 11/11/02(Wed)07:21 No. 1559

That's mainly because 7chan's imageboards are more hostile then the IRC or mumble. Especially over a topic like touhou, chances are someone's going to call me a faggot eventually or otherwise argue about how Touhou sucks... not that anyone's going to play anyway, in all likelihood. But anyway, the last thread Cable made about Touhou on /vg/ proved to turn into a huge fucking dramafest because of people arguing about how Touhou is shit and hisou is a terrible fucking game, etc. etc.

Also, I'm not really being that hostile. Aren't you used to being called a faggot on 7chan? It's a lot more like a gentle rebuke then an insult.

[hmcd]✡✈▋▋ 11/11/03(Thu)16:48 No. 1561

shut up poe

(Shut up homoside)

Fund 11/11/03(Thu)23:59 No. 1562

JT that was me, when poe posts he uses a small p not a capital p.

JohnnyTurbo 11/11/04(Fri)07:51 No. 1565

File 132038951813.jpg - (149.00KB , 810x607 , 1319245511442.jpg )

You know I love you poe :3

[hmcd]✡✈▋▋ 11/11/04(Fri)08:23 No. 1567


shut up poe

JohnnyTurbo 11/11/05(Sat)02:24 No. 1569

File 13204562746.jpg - (93.58KB , 480x480 , LaughingMegWhore.jpg )

Why you so mad Allen?

ice!.RAPE.curg 11/11/05(Sat)02:27 No. 1570

why do you even have to ask that?

Azid 11/11/05(Sat)21:49 No. 1572

File 132052614635.jpg - (50.02KB , 420x420 , ngbbs4d92947ab09ce.jpg )

poe 11/11/16(Wed)22:16 No. 1603

Yeah. YEAH. You leave Azid. Just get out, you don't play touhou anyway. XD

[hmcd]✡✈▋▋!TJ6ZJp8Bvk 11/11/17(Thu)00:46 No. 1604


TALIFAG !ZgfjaSUIKA 11/11/20(Sun)01:57 No. 1610

Hasn't a patch for soku just come out?

poe 11/11/21(Mon)12:20 No. 1613

Yes actually, but there wasn't anything done for balance really. It was a netcode patch or whatever. Works for me, shit has shitty netcode so maybe this will help.

Azid 15/05/14(Thu)01:36 No. 2435

maybe one day poe will come back from his grave and touhou with me once again

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