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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Poe 13/06/18(Tue)20:20 No. 2274 [Reply]

File 137157965585.jpg - (41.01KB , 404x102 , Untitled-1.jpg )

<PrettyPony> that shit was weird. there was blood all over the walls and on her bed sheets

TehOrange!lhw2ejR0Q6 13/07/21(Sun)07:16 No. 2284

When will PrettyPony finally get good with women?

ice!.RAPE.curg 13/09/17(Tue)07:13 No. 2309


JohnnyTurbo 12/09/06(Thu)06:25 No. 2059 [Reply]

File 13469055392.jpg - (89.32KB , 350x317 , 2833_picture_of_a_stylistic_image_of_a_mexican_in_.jpg )

What have you guys been up to?

4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Poe 12/10/11(Thu)22:41 No. 2077


Not for long.

Semilevel!3X0UPevThQ 12/10/28(Sun)19:34 No. 2100

File 135144925781.jpg - (356.90KB , 2048x1536 , 10112012479.jpg )

Poe 13/09/02(Mon)09:16 No. 2301

what did you move to the netherlands for?

BitLoli is sad BitLoli; the man — the legend. 13/05/18(Sat)00:28 No. 2265 [Reply]

File 13688296807.png - (417.39KB , 800x800 , 7040cf2c5e7e3f258b1983107538fc7b3d41beac.png )

Please unban me from #7chan for flooding. ;_;

Yours Truly: BitLoli.

Nattajerk 13/05/18(Sat)00:32 No. 2266

[16:17] <BitLoli> l
[16:17] <BitLoli> e
[16:17] <Weeabot> steal the shareware over and that e lost interest per area
[16:17] * EDIBLE has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[16:17] <BitLoli> r
[16:17] <BitLoli> e
[16:17] * Robotnik has kicked BitLoli from #7chan (Stop flooding!)
[16:17] * BitLoli ([email protected]) has joined #7chan
[16:17] <BitLoli> d
[16:17] <BitLoli> d
[16:17] <BitLoli> i
[16:17] <Weeabot> i require alcohol
[16:17] <BitLoli> t
[16:17] * Robotnik sets ban on *!*[email protected]
[16:17] * Robotnik has kicked BitLoli from #7chan (Stop flooding!)
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

TehOrange!lhw2ejR0Q6 13/07/21(Sun)07:49 No. 2286


Aren't you a bartender?

Nattajerk 13/08/08(Thu)13:41 No. 2293

I cannot encourage weeabot to drink, only serve him.

XII 13/07/28(Sun)15:59 No. 2291 [Reply]

File 137501999687.jpg - (164.63KB , 1217x960 , 7chan.jpg )

<ponbiki> I'm still mad at Timbus for not being in #sandwich
<XII> :c
<Timbus> wshats sandwich
<ponbiki> >:[
<XII> rimbus pls
<Timbus> ij ust use computer
<ponbiki> ;-;

cart Poe 13/06/19(Wed)18:30 No. 2275 [Reply]

File 13716594273.gif - (8.73KB , 200x200 , cart.gif )

push the cart

Poe 13/05/14(Tue)23:32 No. 2256 [Reply]

File 136856716537.png - (25.01KB , 608x54 , Untitled.png )

cuz it's awesome

Poe 13/05/30(Thu)11:57 No. 2273

I can atest to that, being fat is awesome
I should get /fit/ though, to look sexy as fuck naked

Semilevel!3X0UPevThQ 12/10/28(Sun)16:36 No. 2085 [Reply]

File 135143857175.jpg - (552.99KB , 1382x951 , 1.jpg )

Photos in a forest as promised on the IRC via my mobile phone.
EXIF data got lost on resize/compress due to image limit.

< 7chan in the sand.

24 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Semilevel!33nP3QAgok 13/05/15(Wed)14:24 No. 2262

File 13686206725.jpg - (601.80KB , 2048x1536 , 24042013006.jpg )

Semilevel!33nP3QAgok 13/05/15(Wed)14:24 No. 2263

File 136862068760.jpg - (78.74KB , 2048x1536 , 25042013007.jpg )

Poe 13/05/15(Wed)14:46 No. 2264

you are gennuinly autistic

Brutalis!HF.bGyUKfA 13/04/30(Tue)14:43 No. 2245 [Reply]

File 136732579828.jpg - (49.92KB , 461x334 , python.jpg )

»» Looking up irc.7chan.org
»» Connecting to irc.7chan.org ( port 6669...
»» Connected. Now logging in...
»» *** Looking up your hostname...
»» *** Found your hostname
»» You have not registered
»» Closing Link: Guest8406[host86-190-192-20.wlms-broadband.com] (Ping timeout)
»» Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
Cycling to next server in 7chan...
»» Disconnected ().
»» Looking up irc.7chan.org
»» Connecting to irc.7chan.org ( port 6669...
»» Connected. Now logging in...
»» *** Looking up your hostname...
»» *** Found your hostname (cached)
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
XII 13/04/30(Tue)20:32 No. 2252

Where you gonna go, freenode?

Poe 13/05/01(Wed)00:01 No. 2253


Synirc 4lyfe

[hmcd]✡✈▋▋!TJ6ZJp8Bvk 13/05/15(Wed)12:18 No. 2257

faggots, learn to connect to the right fucking server. by name.

Poe 13/04/30(Tue)07:52 No. 2241 [Reply]

File 136730112764.jpg - (18.08KB , 640x480 , tomoderp.jpg )

Can not get on irc finds hostname but just ping timeouts and remote host closed socket etc.

uki 13/04/30(Tue)09:08 No. 2242

same. maybe it died

Poe 13/04/30(Tue)10:48 No. 2243

yeah it's not connecting
shit's borked

Poe 12/04/24(Tue)21:35 No. 1933 [Reply]

How would I get the wordfilter script?

Poe 12/04/25(Wed)03:41 No. 1934

Your gay

Poe 13/04/19(Fri)15:44 No. 2238


Poe 13/04/26(Fri)20:26 No. 2239


no, your gay.

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