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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Wanna Kill Myself drunkfromcoffee 20/01/24(Fri)07:52 No. 2602 [Reply]

Wanna Kill myself, but sadly, I live on the 6th floor, and my building has only 7,so I'm not sure I wanna risk being paralysed. Any other tips guys? I don't know what to do

Poe 20/04/21(Tue)14:22 No. 2610

Hang yourself. Get a decent towing strap, fix one end to something secure inside the building, one end around your neck, and jump. You'll need a drop of about 7 feet to be sure of breaking your neck. Footbridges are good too - fasten strap to the railings.

Poe 13/05/09(Thu)05:20 No. 2254 [Reply]

File 136806962672.jpg - (22.59KB , 250x350 , 4 LITERS.jpg )

In memory of Steve

Poe 20/01/29(Wed)12:14 No. 2603

What happened to Steve?

Poe 20/03/29(Sun)16:34 No. 2608

Seriously, this nigger shut down my bugfix.in gmail with his niggery

want to learn hacking webby 20/02/25(Tue)16:14 No. 2605 [Reply]

want to learn hacking help me hacking internet network providers in zambia

Rant about internet person Poe 19/11/10(Sun)12:07 No. 2597 [Reply]

File 157338405750.jpg - (79.01KB , 641x385 , 0.jpg )

I couldn't find a place to post this in.
I met a internet person who gave me a detailed reply on why he hates internet dating.
Three months later he literally asked for boyfriends from 4chan. He's a honors student and has to publicity 4chan for bfs.

I s2g


Admin/Sysop mmmpapi 19/02/23(Sat)16:07 No. 2562 [Reply]

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Need help deleting a post please

Poe ## Mod ## 19/02/23(Sat)16:20 No. 2563


Poe 19/08/06(Tue)06:07 No. 2588


h Poe 19/10/27(Sun)21:29 No. 2595


quequotion 18/04/17(Tue)20:32 No. 2537 [Reply]

Is irc.7chan.org's SSL certificate valid?

Looking to debug this: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/polari/issues/57

Poe 18/04/30(Mon)20:23 No. 2539

File 152511259140.png - (87.65KB , 528x988 , Screenshot from 2018-05-01 03-32-25.png )

Apparently not; this certificate is both expired and registered to another domain name.

Poe 18/07/24(Tue)18:23 No. 2542

Today, for the first time I got Polari (GTK 3, telepathy client) to connect to 7chan.

It only seems to like to connect to port 6697, and only if SSL is not explicitly enabled.

agree with the privious answer angine 19/04/01(Mon)13:40 No. 2573

It seems not valid!

HeXeN 15/07/13(Mon)10:23 No. 2450 [Reply]

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Why am I ZLined?
I haven't even been here in like 6 years.

Also hello again

ice!iceAAciwUg 15/09/08(Tue)08:10 No. 2463

i think its been 3 or 4

nice pics angine 19/04/01(Mon)13:39 No. 2572

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d.w. old yassmine elmers 18/08/23(Thu)18:25 No. 2545 [Reply]

i want be in

glad for you angine 19/04/01(Mon)13:37 No. 2571

File 155411864119.jpg - (5.28KB , 135x120 , Без названия (1).jpg )

just do it)

Poe 18/05/12(Sat)04:22 No. 2540 [Reply]

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BitLoli!!H2BJEyBGZm 12/10/28(Sun)20:31 No. 2101 [Reply]

File 135145267427.jpg - (154.58KB , 600x600 , daki.jpg )

<BitLoli> You should donate me a few bitcoins so I can buy a dakimakura.
<BitLoli> Send bitcoins to 1HvMRrcDs8uMNynJsV6HoBBU8JjF97gK78

Goal: 10BTC.
Left until goal: 9.99BTC.
Donations received so far:
0.01BTC - Semilevel.

(Fuck Off.)

6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Poe 17/02/05(Sun)20:37 No. 2508


Poe 17/02/05(Sun)20:39 No. 2509


docmedoc 18/04/04(Wed)19:48 No. 2536

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It's about the time we dream.

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