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Historian 23/03/22(Wed)19:35 No. 15634

File 16795101511.png - (197.06KB , 1956x1712 , static-assets-upload5717840365163786356.png )

Are you ready for the future of the Americas?

Historian 23/04/21(Fri)19:24 No. 15637

>California becomes a country with Wyoming and Idaho instead of Oregon and Washington in spite of all logic
>Rather than just becoming an independent country, like it always talks about, Texas joins with Arizona and new Mexico for no apparent reason (which both have way more to do with the Western States) and lets the flag be Arizona's flag despite their unique obsession with their own
>Nunavut and Yukon both (separately) become independent countries despite being clumps of dirty ice that rely entirely on federal support, and despite an easy option to just join the rural and right wing state of Western Canada
I doubt it.

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