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Historian 21/03/03(Wed)01:37 No. 15448

File 161473185813.jpg - (163.14KB , 994x1024 , di-454ZU7.jpg )

the blackwashing of history on wikipedia

Historian 21/03/03(Wed)03:49 No. 15449

So your conspiracy is that Wikipedia is a shit resource? Everyone knows that. Where the hell have you been.

Stop trying to a find reason be racist. Just fix the mental defect in you that causes this garbage to spew out of your mind. Its pointless, it's stupid, and its so old.

Historian 21/03/03(Wed)03:49 No. 15450

So your conspiracy is that Wikipedia is a shit resource? Everyone knows that. Where the hell have you been.

Stop trying to a find reason be racist. Just fix the mental defect in you that causes this garbage to spew out of your mind. Its pointless, it's stupid, and its so old.

Historian 21/04/09(Fri)22:13 No. 15516

>>15450 lol it's pretty much the case everywhere, retard. You will never be a woman btw.

Historian 21/04/13(Tue)22:36 No. 15517

Two generations of people, especially in these United States, have been trained, educated, and conditioned to believe that white people are to blame for EVERYTHING. People of color, to use the proper 'progressive' phrase, are never to blame for anything that happens. When Genghis Khan slaughtered everyone he could put an arrow in throughout Asia, the Levant, and Eastern Europe...it was, somehow, mysteriously, the White Man's Fault.

Wikipedia is simply following the lead demanded by our deeply neurotic society. Want a REAL hoot? Try reading a current Middle School History text. You'll laugh until you cry.

Historian 21/07/07(Wed)11:13 No. 15523


Historian 21/07/19(Mon)05:13 No. 15525


Historian 22/05/06(Fri)21:13 No. 15552

Wikipedia is shit. But it's also normative. For instance AmaryllisGardener almost singelhandedly vandalied the concept of scots. (He can't speak it. So he just wrote english with an groundskeeper Willy accent.)


The+Red+Barron 22/05/16(Mon)09:39 No. 15553

mfw they just stop caring if you cite sources as long as you write like a dicksucker

Historian 22/06/02(Thu)05:46 No. 15560

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Not OP, but you have to know most people look at wikipedia first for information. Libraries for research cost a subscription fee to access. Also research has to be politically correct to exist or be documented post 2014. By making everyone black on TV and Wikipedia it is fucking up history and making white women crave black dick even more.

Historian 22/07/11(Mon)06:00 No. 15568

Clearly you are not familiar with libraries or reading things outside the internet. Laziness has made you stupid and likely craving black cock even more.

Historian 22/07/14(Thu)04:22 No. 15569

I did research for my firm and yes you PAY to use research libraries. You get an account and pay per year. When I went to UNI you could only access the research if you were enrolled in the school, and when I was no longer signing up for classes I was immediately removed. That and we had a fee to use the library and it was 700USD a semester.

I think you are the confused one, anon. You probably use public information which is outdated.

Historian 22/08/15(Mon)04:49 No. 15584

What are you talking about? Why are you relying on JSTOR or some other Lexus Nexus clone? What references are you fucking trying cite? Good God, stop trying so hard to be oppressed and just get on with craving black cock.

Cato 22/08/15(Mon)09:35 No. 15585

will smith was a white man lol

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