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Historian 20/10/25(Sun)19:02 No. 15413

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Where did the idea off angels with wings come from?

Historian 20/10/25(Sun)19:05 No. 15414

Weird, can I samefag here

Historian 20/10/27(Tue)03:51 No. 15415

Doesn't strawberry chan have a religion page you can go flame war about this on? This is history and culture. So unless you have got a apologetic statement about Nazi's or some thinly veiled racist question about brown people you can get the fuck out....

This one's easy. Ask a harder one next time. Noah Kaiba 21/07/23(Fri)02:56 No. 15526

It is because of their shining grace. The radiant light coming from their spiritual essence appears to be as wings when observed. It's also the same reason saints and other holy figures were depicted with a halo around their heads. It is a visu representation of the light of their grace.

Historian 22/03/17(Thu)05:40 No. 15540

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Egypt. The worlds but load of animist cultures plopped all their chimera gods and goddesses on Egypt’s front doorstep, and they entertained themselves playing mashup with these features for ages. Later, the Persians made a fun spirit mashup representing their kings spirit, using aspects of the lion, eagle, squirrel and orangutan, though I’m less sure about those last two, and carved sculptures of the beast & adopted it as that kings (&his city) symbol, which then got cooped & carried on by every successive dipshit wandering around in the desert waiting for their turn to get sacked by the Greeks.

The+Red+Barron 22/05/16(Mon)09:44 No. 15554

There's one (only one) example of an angel in the Bible that is described as having swan's wings. I think it's in Ezekiel, might be Isaiah... All other angels are not described with wings, save maybe a few Revelations ones but I can't recall any.

Ezekiel and Isaiah are very old books, and likely the source for winged figures across the globe. Previously cherubs were depicted as the Heavenly winged creatures, cherubs are some sort of beast with odd features.

Historian 23/01/23(Mon)21:59 No. 15625

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Ancient Sumerian Lamma

Considered intercessors between the gods and their mortal servants.

Historian 23/05/17(Wed)13:07 No. 15650

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Knights worship angels

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