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Historian 20/07/12(Sun)18:05 No. 15379

File 9J2lRF7roCY.you - (0B )

Is it just me or do the French / Euros in general actively ignore the Americans' influence on the French Revolution?

A lot of things i've read on the French Revolution make no mention of the American Revolution and act as if the French started it all first.

Historian 20/07/13(Mon)01:11 No. 15380

I see it a a quid pro quo.

Without the French the American revolution would have failed. A fact Americans often play down as it would require the admission of being saved by another, a sure blow to their fragile egos of dominance.

In exchange the French play down the role of the American Revolution in their own. It wasn't exactly smart pushing their country to the brink of bankruptcy in an effort to spite the British.

Historian 20/07/13(Mon)05:39 No. 15381

Just because our President is a half baked dip shit doesnt mean we all are. We know the French helped us win, some of us also know that the AWoI was as much a New World Extension of the Seven years war as much as the French and Indian war was. Just held over from all the fall out of the latter.

With that said, the French pretending the early US government didnt help with their revolution is just such a French thing to do. At this point who cares honestly, we helped save them in WWII but then we kinda screwed them in Indochina...it all works out.

Historian 20/07/13(Mon)09:16 No. 15382

>We know the French helped us win
That's an understatement, they turned the whole war around, the British were well on their way to victory until the French showed up.

I'm not sure what the President has to do with this though.

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