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Why do asians look similar regardless of their nationality? Poopypants 20/03/01(Sun)02:16 No. 15300

File 158302537668.jpg - (67.27KB , 640x1136 , DD25A2D3-4EC0-4D0F-8233-2ED588CB6227.jpg )

I suppose you've already asked the question before, but why do asians look so similar regardless of nationality? I'm not trying to be racist or something like that.

Historian 20/03/01(Sun)03:19 No. 15301

Has to do with functions in the human brain. I read somewhere that all whites look alike to Asians. In fact, Asians seem to be quite racist in their own right. Latinos too.
My proposal is it has to do with patterns of human migration out of Africa, and Africans are the ones who seem to have the most trouble with actual generalizing racism.

anus!IGEMrmvKLI 20/04/06(Mon)00:18 No. 15310

it is your lack of exposure and chance to pair a face with a nationality.

Take a look at a bunch of pics of regular (not models or pop stars) Koreans and Japanese. After a while you'll start to notice a striking difference in the morphologies of their heads.

To me the Koreans tend to have flatter faces with eyes that bulge a bit more than Japanese.

Now I can't tell the difference between a Vietnamese and a Laotian. But neither of them look like Chinese to me.

Goes the same with central and south America. I can generally tell when Mexican is from the border, Mexico City, or the Yucatan peninsula. Guatemalans look nothing like Mexicans and Argentineans look like Argentineans to me.

At the same time I have no confidence in differentiating someone from Norway, Sweden, Germany, or England.

Historian 20/04/06(Mon)08:10 No. 15312

You can tell if someone is from England if they're smiling.

If they have fucked up teeth, they're from England.

Historian 20/04/29(Wed)17:29 No. 15317

I suppose you've already asked the question before, but why do Europeans look so similar regardless of nationality? I'm not trying to be racist or something like that.

Historian 20/04/30(Thu)06:32 No. 15318

I suppose you've already asked the question before, but why do idiots look so similar regardless of nationality? I'm not trying to be racist or something like that.

Historian 20/05/21(Thu)08:45 No. 15324

Probably because they're from Asia

Historian 20/05/29(Fri)04:06 No. 15325

I suppose they are of manga ancestry. The name of their recital entitlement is too explicit. Lol. Nobody asks why don’t they themselves look alike you know? My grandparents were astronauts whom came from races where they all look alike as well. They discovered a way to disturb calcium deposition for identity reasons. Europeans have one too. I’ve seen their nano radars go off from time to time. They look very chinese like with alterations. You have to remember people recently started mixing. I heard a story about the 1980s-1990s televised mafia being a physical appeal fight between rich tycoons and their kids over Netherlands trade rights. Regional looks vary sometimes business is done with a convention for troop identity.

Historian 20/06/05(Fri)20:39 No. 15326

Could this be the most fact based post EVER on this board. Thank you kind traveler for your insight.

Historian 20/06/08(Mon)09:13 No. 15327

Let's hope he posts more

Historian 20/09/20(Sun)08:57 No. 15407

The same can be said about yurofags. You just need to see more and to be more observant.

Historian 20/10/01(Thu)04:50 No. 15408

Oh, are we still talking about this? In that case..


Historian 21/01/16(Sat)16:11 No. 15435

something something more genetically related you are to someone the more able you are to distinguish smaller and smaller differences

also, as you focus on things you see more detail.

the number of dominant alleles in a population may differ population to population.

which is why if you mix everyone together for a thousand years you'd probably end up with everyone looking very similar, not very different.

i mean they will still have a lot of variety... but i would imagine you wouldn't see much non brown hair and non brown eyes and non beige skin or something. over time the extremes would be shuffled together into an average.

before i would say we had isolated populations that could evolve different traits differently

but with globalism we can now cross all borders have interracial marriages and so on.

interracial is a pretty nasty sounding word. i mean we're all humans right? birds are birds...

i mean the answers are boring and interesting at the same time but not in the way caesar needs it to be in order to start wars and place everyone into economic slavery so fuck the truth amirite?

Historian 21/01/19(Tue)05:11 No. 15438

It’s because they’re communists, so they share the same brain, and that tells their dna to look a certain way. Jk, it’s because the women are attracted to chubby diaper-wearing foot fetishists with a penchant for girls who whine and cry during sex, and so that’s who out-reproduces everyone else. Jk, it’s because they're all red army clones made with the preserved baby batter of Genghis Khan. Or something.

Historian 21/02/02(Tue)08:30 No. 15441

No fair copying verbatim the Kansas State Curriculum on the theory of human evolution. Try to think for yourself now, you are off the farm...look you have the internet now, you don't have to be afraid. You can masturbate to any girl you want on Christian mingle.com now, even the brown ones.

Historian 21/02/02(Tue)08:30 No. 15442

No fair copying verbatim the Kansas State Curriculum on the theory of human evolution. Try to think for yourself now, you are off the farm...look you have the internet now, you don't have to be afraid. You can masturbate to any girl you want on Christian mingle.com now, even the brown ones.

Historian 21/04/13(Tue)23:12 No. 15519

May as well ask why all BLACK people look the same (talk about being called a racist!!!). Or, to cut just a little bit closer to home, why do all WHITE people look the same? Every race shares its commonalities, and even as mixed as the races have become it isn't that hard to tell a random Saudi (Semetic Caucasian) from a random Icelander (Germanic Caucasian)...for a white American. In school I had a very badass Malaysian buddy who complained bitterly about how confusing America was; all those white folks look the same.

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