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Possible People's Liberation Army involvement in Syrian Civil War Historian 18/02/28(Wed)01:01 No. 15068

File 151977610322.png - (63.29KB , 1200x1140 , China_Emblem_PLA_svg.png )

With the Syrian civil war escalating despite several attempts made by the UNSC and now Russia enacting ceasefires, a new major player may be on the rise. I have heard that the PLA would be deploying their troops apparently to combat Uighur extremists there, but could they might as well stir up the situation as NATO did?

Historian 18/08/29(Wed)23:16 No. 15092

I thought the chinese were non-interventionists in regards to military afairs, did something change?

Yourgay!!EwZ2AzBTIu 18/09/01(Sat)21:59 No. 15093

The military attache at the Chinese embassy stated that the PLA would offer assistance to the Syrian government if ordered by the Chinese government.

So it's a statement made by the attache not the central government. IF (and that's a big if) the PLA did deploy it'd probably be in the form of SOF or military advisers, not a large conventional force. China's making inroads where they can, and offering an oil-producing country who has been thrown aside or actively targeted by the entirety of the West would offer serious advantages.

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