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The Present Political System Is Not Conducive To Good Scientifc Pursuit Nazi Icktor 15/12/06(Sun)22:26 No. 14816

File 144943719218.jpg - (212.05KB , 1200x1600 , IMG_0193.jpg )

If the present social system is non-Christian and Christianity is true then the status quo is not conducive to good scientific pursuit. I know that the United States recently made lawful homosexuality and I know that Jesus Christ exists by Kurt Gödel's and Anselm of Canterbury's valid and true ontological arguments. Therefore, the present system is not great for abundance, entertainment, or pastime of the sciences.

My credibility is that I wrote the syllogistic proof showing that The Hodge Conjecture is true. However, I haven't written a function for it. Also, I graduated high-school at age 16.

I do think that as the most superior Dinaric-Aryan-Mayan (or "German Guatemalan") of IQ 22,222 I do think that I could run the present world and its structures as dictator. Certainly the friendly dictator of The Nazi Party of Guatemala.

Argue with me.

Nazi Icktor 15/12/06(Sun)22:31 No. 14817

Execute or make commit suicide Sean Gallagher.
Execute or make commit suicide Wilfrido Palacios.
Execute or make commit suicide Donald Keyes.
Execute or make commit suicide Tom Hasseloff.

Historian 15/12/10(Thu)01:10 No. 14819

Before I start arguing with you can you shed some light on the Guatemala Nazi party?

Is that the party uniform?
Are you currently the prime example of the master race?
Are the fly paper strips part of the mystique of the party, or are they there just to catch flies?
Are you allowed to own a cupboard or shelf in the Guatemala Nazi party?

You seem like a slack ass if you can write a proof for the Hodge Conjecture but you haven't written a function for it yet...please explain.

Please respond and I will be happy to discuss this with you.

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