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1920s Albania forum game Historian 15/07/10(Fri)17:59 No. 14675

File 143654396750.jpg - (87.92KB , 700x532 , Tirana 1922.jpg )


TL;DR: 1920s Albania forum game. Country is very poor and backward but there's also tons of political intrigue going on, therefore it can be fun. Players can join as whatever: cabinet members, miscellaneous politicians of Muslim or Christian faith, army commanders, tribal chiefs, religious authorities, student radicals, etc.

To quote sign-in thread:
>There are no set rules or list of actions; a player sends a private message to the GM saying what he or she wishes to do that turn, and the GM makes a list of plausible outcomes and subjects them to a random number generator to see which one occurs. There is detailed information on the situation inside the country in various fields of life, from the condition of its armed forces to the state of its cultural facilities. Players will generally be briefed each turn as to how their actions went as well as the situation they are in (e.g. how soldiers under their command are doing, how their efforts to organize people in a region are progressing, and so on.)

Historian 16/01/23(Sat)17:15 No. 14837

This is still ongoing. It is currently 1931.

The same forum also has a French Revolution game GMed by someone else if anyone is interested in that.

Anonymous 16/04/21(Thu)22:06 No. 14850

File 146126918160.jpg - (138.57KB , 800x820 , 1451947851209.jpg )

>Makes Post about a fucking shithole
>Albania is a shitty country
If you make a post about the a shithole then that makes you a shithole dweller yourself you Phaggot.
Off to kebab shitholes you go ;)


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