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Berlin Wall Historical American Dumbass 15/06/27(Sat)09:33 No. 14659

File 143539039044.jpg - (52.26KB , 620x372 , 112122245_1.jpg )

I have always thought about this but had never really worked how it would happen. On November 9th, 1989, the lives of every person in Germany was changed when the wall was claimed obsolete and had the first part of the wall fell only 5 days later.

But what if the Cold War never thawed? What if the Soviet economy had somehow regained it's balance and was able to continue the Cold War? What if the wall never fell?

I leave you, The people of 7chan, to think before you post, and think of the possibilities.

Historian 15/06/30(Tue)21:53 No. 14661

Likely your latter scenario . The Soviet collapse destabilized so many other parts of the world, making them ripe for the picking for the US and other NATO countries. The Middle East was never more exploited then after the Fall of the USSR. And Africa was never more ignored. Until China got its feet under it.

I would say the cold war thawed a great deal but the Russians probably feel like some old school american's do that it was better with a big bad nemesis lurking around.

ISIS and all its stupid shit are scarey and all but they will never be as good a "bad guy" as the Soviets were. The Russians (well, Putin mostly), at least from an American standpoint, seem to want to make the US their "bad guy" and get back to the good old days of nuclear weapon stockpiling, arms races, and unchecked military spending. Lets get that war cold again, there is so much more profit to be made.

To bad China is in a way better place to be the world-wide Nemesis. China would not be what it is today (good and bad) if the Soviets had stuck around.

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