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Orlando Figes - Crimean War Historian 14/11/04(Tue)20:33 No. 14455

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I want a good overview book of the Crimean War but it doesn't really seem like there is a canon account of this historical period. Figes has written one, but he's a rather modern historian. All the published histories of the Crimean War seem pretty modern.

What do you think of Orlando Figes? Is he a solid, dependable writer? Do you think that he would show a pro-British bias in this book?

Historian 14/12/20(Sat)10:31 No. 14491

Google Karamzin.

Historian 14/12/21(Sun)08:52 No. 14493

Can confirm, Karamzin is awesome.

Historian 14/12/31(Wed)08:23 No. 14495

didn't someone, like tolstoy write books that were about it but in a hidden manner because he was in tzarist russia?

Historian 23/05/05(Fri)11:44 No. 15641

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Ukraine wants Crimea back unless Crimea becomes its own country...

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