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can malware fuck up external devices' drivers or firmware?
i was installing a pirated game (teehee) and all of a sudden i loose screen, mouse, keyboard and hdd signal. i make no big deal out of it since my baby is around 10yo so i just restart it
when it boots up, i open my browser without worries and i loose signal again. i try to restart it but now it remains signal-less. cant even get into the bios nor use a preinstall enviroment since it doesnt recognize any external devices
halp? i even tried to fix this shit by removing the mobo battery for around 10 minutes, to no avail
specs: generic 550w psu
1tb hdd
4gb x2 ddr3 ram
apu a10 5800k cpu
a55bm-a/usb3 mobo
had this thing since 2014
ask away for anything else you need