get a VPN. Like 12bucks a month or more. Really fkn renInstall windows. I can assure you will screw this up. no problem. But I thing the issue is already installed software. So zero out your hard drive. K hard drives do not start as windows installed.That is not how windows works.
Do not install apps. When you install
programs, install the minimum of what you
want. Programs may ask for I call it extras. They are needed or wanted. Accomplishing this, people use what is called dban. I find it kinnda difficult.
K your computer should have a code I guess, for windows to install to. Assuming laptop, flip the thing over and just work with it. Assuming desktop on the right side should be a coa, I think.
The mission is to zero out the HD. Make it all 000000s
So reality, have a VPN,
Make your computer work, it will not work for you. It is not it's job.
Again encryption a good idea, I mean there are like spybot. So you are simply more I can call it crapware. So you are possibly installing more malware. I mean I like spybot. But, installing more stuff, to fix issues, does not make sense. I do have few programs, I am trying to explain this, spy apps are intended to do just that.