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Anonymous 18/04/13(Fri)08:06 No. 22539 ID: 8773b5

File 152359960611.png - (1.93KB , 181x25 , system time.png )

my computer's clock is always wrong now.

running windows 7 pro on a vaio laptop, fully current on updates

set to correct time zone, set to automatically synchronize with time.windows.com

I go into settings and go "update now", and the date and time are correct. and then after a little while I look and the time is wrong again, as if it had been set back a bit.

the same thing happens if I manually change it to the date and time I have on my watch.

I noticed this started happening when the computer blue screened on me for the first time on this installation windows. I've narrowed the blue screen issue down to an external sound card with a flaky power connection.

mainly use the computer to just brows internet, no other big apps running usually when I notice the time being wrong. notepad, malwarebytes sits in the system tray as well as avast and ccleaner.

computer stays powered up -- time changes seemingly on its own.

anybody have any experience or ideas on this one? I'm stumped. will provide any other specific info as requested!


Anonymous 18/04/13(Fri)19:23 No. 22540 ID: 9409fe

File 152364021139.gif - (424.98KB , 500x323 , daffy bugs drinking.gif )

The clock is maintained by a quartz crystal in a can on your motherboard, called a crystal oscillator.

It sounds like the crystal cracked or broke one of the bonds or something. You're fucked.

Anonymous 18/04/14(Sat)06:42 No. 22541 ID: 665aa6

hmm.. I find that a little hard to believe. were that the case, the computer shouldn't even make it past POST because all the critical timings would be far too unstable to use. it would mean memory corruption and blue screens constantly as the temperature alone fluctuates.

I think I'll take troubleshooting to the next step and run off a live disk for a while and observe the clock behavior.

Anonymous 18/06/12(Tue)01:29 No. 22558 ID: 966c7f

check bios time, it's probably wrong

Anonymous 18/06/13(Wed)23:55 No. 22559 ID: a870df

OP posted this in April and his computer clock probably still shows it as being in April, but when the OS updates the clock it also updates the motherboard time. Once upon a time in days of yore one had to choose whether to let the OS clock update the motherboard or not since using the motherboard clock could limit your options (I'm thinking of an NTP daemon that would perform minute changes over days, months, years to correct drift of that particular set of hardware but the motherboard clock limited its ability - it was very granular, while the motherboard clock wasn't).

If OPs system is going to sleep (or powered off) regularly its probably his motherboard battery. When the system is asleep the motherboard clock uses the battery to keep the RTC going.

Another possibility could be that he's using an NTP source that regularly sees DNS poisoning. time.windows.com or whatever stupid name Microsoft sticks in its OSes is the biggest target but all the default network time values are targets. Even the pool.ntp.org values are targets (though they're typically malicious actors who manage to add their systems in the pool and not technically a DNS poisoning attack). So you run a DNS query for time.windows.com you get the official server, eight hours later it runs another query and gets the value from a malicious actor who tries to exploit bugs in your client to infect it, which often involves large (by NTP standards) clock skews. Even though I just said ntp.org are targets, I would still try something like 2.north-america.pool.ntp.org - the malicious actors so far have stuck to compromising the 0 pools because they're at the top of the list so everyone uses them so they're a juicier target. They get booted out faster than they can add new ones so they go for the largest bang for their buck.

Anonymous 18/07/03(Tue)20:51 No. 22564 ID: a23fad

File 153064387551.jpg - (22.68KB , 250x321 , cmosbattery.jpg )

Try replacing the cmos battery.

Anonymous 18/08/02(Thu)01:41 No. 22567 ID: 53f505

Have you tried switching it off and on again?

Anonymous 18/08/10(Fri)23:41 No. 22568 ID: a870df

I know OP is long gone but I encountered a similar clock issue so I thought I'd share.

I encountered a couple systems which, when shut down, would stop incrementing their clock. The clock would stay fixed at the time the system was shut down at. When next powered on the time would start incrementing again but you had to sync to an SNTP server to get it to the correct time.

Solution was to re-flash the BIOS, including boot block. Replacing the battery or wiping settings wasn't enough, the entire flash chip had to be wiped and re-flashed.

So OP could try creating a DOS USB drive, copy the DOS-based flasher onto it, then use that to wipe & program the flash. Windows-based flashing didn't work, had to be done from DOS.

If it works look into locking the ability to write to the BIOS, sometimes there's a setting in the BIOS, other times it's a jumper on the board.

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