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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Anonymous 18/03/18(Sun)21:21 No. 22532 ID: 77d2bd

File 152140451573.jpg - (97.48KB , 635x986 , burglar-thief-costume-em3190--3119-p.jpg )

A couple months ago I got drunk as fuck and stole a Macbook from a frat house. I immediately factory reset it once I got home. Can it still be tracked?

Anonymous 18/03/18(Sun)21:22 No. 22533 ID: 77d2bd

(It's been powered off in my attic ever since)

Anonymous 18/03/19(Mon)01:05 No. 22534 ID: dc3f7c

it's possible?

Anonymous 18/03/20(Tue)18:06 No. 22535 ID: f516d8

probably not

unless they suspect you did it

Anonymous 18/03/21(Wed)19:56 No. 22536 ID: 195cb2

Yes, but only if you run OS X or connect the recovery partition to the internet (to, for example, factory reset it).

That's because iCloud lockouts occur based on the motherboard serial number. When you connect it to the internet it checks the motherboard's serial number against the systems in iCloud that are scheduled to be locked out. If the serial number matches an earlier lockout request, your system gets locked. If the theft was reported it could also be tracked by authorities in coordination with Apple using the same iCloud servers, which all OS X systems will connect to to get OS updates and App Store downloads and everything else Apple.

Safest is to hold down option at startup, stick a flash drive containing Windows or Linux installation in, and use that to completely wipe the internal drive including the recovery partition. Then run Windows or Linux on it from then on.

Source: At my job we've hunted down idiots who stole Macs from us and turned the info over to the police, who then arrested the idiots and returned the equipment to us. Occasionally we get calls from pawn shops who the idiots sold the equipment to asking us to unlock them, at which point they get placed in contact with the police and do the eternally happy dance of minimum wage pawn shop employees who are caught in possession of stolen property.

Anonymous 18/04/04(Wed)17:00 No. 22537 ID: fc52cd

File 15228540153.jpg - (361.62KB , 1200x679 , Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 9_48_03 AM.jpg )

Just launch iTunes, switch to audiobooks, and let it self destruct.

Anonymous 18/04/15(Sun)13:24 No. 22542 ID: aaabf4

If you're not going to use it why not return it?

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