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WD HD is read only mode Anonymous 17/07/12(Wed)09:47 No. 22486 ID: 494c89

File 149984562418.jpg - (65.45KB , 618x945 , 5ff97fbcdf3eb05b20ec3e0104adbc94c7fcc198-618x945.jpg )

I have a Western Digital My Passport Ultra. I was going to back up my stuff the other day, but unfortunately my hard drive is in read only mode for some reason. I tried reformatting it into various partition types but it still throws this error.

Any idea what to do? Reddit's tech support sub is closed for the goddamn protest today, and I have to work for the next five days.

Anonymous 17/07/13(Thu)06:50 No. 22487 ID: d04e24

File 149992141993.jpg - (80.56KB , 1280x720 , howard-the-duckie.jpg )

In the future don't buy an hd+case from a manufacturer. Whether Seagate, WD, or Toshiba, they all fucking suck donkey balls and are unreliable as fuck.

More than likely your case is in read only mode because its bridge board suffered some kind of colossal failure, which is annoyingly common on Seagate & WD cases. Extra fun is that many manufacturer cases come with proprietary USB-only drives inside, so you can't just crack it open and transplant it to a normal third party case - the controller ends in a USB port.

If you're lucky its SATA and you can just buy a $15 or $20 case and use it for the 1-2 years before the case fails... and then buy another one for $15-$20. You could also spend $50+ and get a high case that would likely outlast the drive... but it could also fail in 1-2 years.

wd read only anon 17/11/29(Wed)11:56 No. 22500 ID: 9f3954

did you try the wd tools that came with the drive, load them off onto another usb drive. also, there are a large variety of of free tools on CNET, my favorite is minitools, allows for many variable rechanges

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