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助けて! Anonymous 16/12/23(Fri)08:11 No. 22423 ID: 2111b2

File 148247709556.png - (15.16KB , 370x320 , 1480975487961.png )

some retards have been mocking and doxxing a couple of friends of mine in another chan
what am i supposed to do? track them? give them a piece of my mind? find someone that can teach them a lesson?
i wanna help my friends, and they dont know what to do anymore
neither do i
each time they post they reveal more and more info about them, im clueless about this whole thing, and we want them to stop
now what? admins, mods and jannies dont seem to give a fuck about the issue
i even mailed them, and got no response

Anonymous 16/12/23(Fri)08:19 No. 22424 ID: 75c683

Do you know who is doing the DOXing?
I mean, do you have any pertinent information about them? Call the police or something.

Anonymous 16/12/24(Sat)08:40 No. 22425 ID: 2111b2

my friend has a suspicion, some retarded guy that knows her and her group has been acting like a douche
not so long ago, he sent her a dickpic out of nowhere, what made her go nuts and started to spread info about this whole issue
i suppose that this idiot is butthurt and doing this kind of thing, dunno if its op but he said in that thread that he knew her
maybe we can take legal action, who knows

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