C6 base should be wired parallel, as they're older or more expensive units than the cheap-ass sets that use series wiring. Series wiring is done because one wire run is continuous while the other is broken up into pieces then connected to lights. Typically cheap sets from the 70s and 80s are series wired, sets from before or after that period are almost always wired parallel.
If you remove any single light from a set and it all goes dark, and all lights up when you reinstall the bulb, it's wired in series.
When sets were put together by hand in third world sweatshops it was cheaper to just have the worker just connect a bunch of short pieces of insulated wire together using the lights to join them, then intertwine the string with the other conductor running the entire length of the set, press them into NEMA connectors and you're done.
These days they're all manufactured by machines, and there's no real advantage to parallel vs. series besides the massively smaller return rate for parallel units.