- (43.81KB
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Hey 7chan, I wanted to make a memorial script to dedicate something regarding Muhammed Ali's death by making a .vbs script to play a song, but I was thinking on writing it also in multiple languages as well to accomodate it along with it, and not just in English.
Does anyone here know if it's possible to change dialog into different languages as well, if it's supportable? I run a Windows 10 computer, and here's what my script looks like:
Msgbox "May you rest in peace our dear conquestor"
Msgbox "RIP Muhammed Ali 1942-2016"
Msgbox "Your deeds will always be remembered..."
Msgbox "Rest in peace guardian angel"
Dim oPlayer
Set oPlayer = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX")
' Play audio
oPlayer.URL = "C:\Users\Zenheart47981\Desktop\Forest of Hope.mp3"
While oPlayer.playState <> 1 ' 1 = Stopped
WScript.Sleep 100
' Release the audio file
Is it possible for me to write the script and add different language to it (IE add Russian letters, Vietnamese letters, Chinese letters, etc)?
Pic unrelated, but the script is.