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MKV's with subs to AVI or Mp4 Anonymous 16/06/06(Mon)04:40 No. 22105 ID: 2214da

File 14651808559.png - (31.16KB , 256x256 , my_file_mkv.png )

Hey I have a bunch of MKV's I want to convert so I can burn em on blu rays and use in my player or play on USB on my TV an have run into a coupel of problems. MKV's that won't convert in Format Factory or AVS Video Converter.
(I usually use FF for non-subbed stuff.)
I get the following error on FF Error 0x00000001
and on AVS either "file format error " or not mkv file. (whihc it is)
any suggestions?

Anonymous 16/06/06(Mon)04:42 No. 22106 ID: 2214da

another error is "the specified file contains no video data" although I can play it in VLC

Anonymous 16/06/06(Mon)06:19 No. 22107 ID: 063e43

Open VLC.
Media > Convert/Save.
Drag files onto input files box.
Convert/Save to whatever format you want.

Anonymous 16/06/06(Mon)09:57 No. 22108 ID: 2214da

No. 22107
Well I gave that a shot but don't have subtitles on the finished product
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Anonymous 16/06/07(Tue)01:15 No. 22109 ID: 2214da

Also, tried to convert an MKV file that FormatFactory and AVS couldn't read (but anything else will play it) and just got an audio track and no video. Any ideas?

Anonymous 16/06/07(Tue)11:14 No. 22110 ID: 43e02a

I normally convert MKVs to M4Vs so I can use them pretty much everywhere on every device, unlike MKVs. I've included subtitles too, though MP4 only allows a single subtitle track so if you want multiples you'll have to general a subtitle file somehow for the 2nd and later subs. I never cared that much though which is why I only know a single subtitle works.

Anonymous 16/07/02(Sat)16:26 No. 22124 ID: 792a24

check that the container really is mkv
sometimes people mislabel their file extensions (used to be very common on file sharing networks)
if you're using mpc-hc, go to file properties, then go to the mediainfo tab
the file container should be under format (below 'complete name' and 'above file size')
you can also use mediainfo

if the extension matches, sometimes there's corruption. versatile media players will get around those (and also ignore file extensions if necessary), but media encoders may not.
one way to try this is do a lossless stream copy. you could try it with ffmpeg, but if you're queasy about using the command line, use something like xmedia recode.
format: matroska video
then drag and drop your file. make sure you click on the filename at the top. the video and audio tabs should appear.
under video tab, for mode, pick Copy
under audio tab, for mode, pick Copy
idk if you have subtitles or not, but you can work it out
then click add to queue and click encode
it should rip out the audio and video streams and properly rebuild them into a new mkv file. this is pretty fast because it's just copying the streams without encoding anything. hopefully your output (which should be in your videos folder) will be readable in whatever next encoder you use

Anonymous 16/07/21(Thu)07:48 No. 22138 ID: 75c23c

use handbrake

those crafty baguette people make a good converter

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