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How to import this doujin? Is it even smart? Anonymous 14/10/30(Thu)16:26 No. 56602

File 141468280234.jpg - (24.66KB , 354x500 , 354.jpg )

I'm not gonna lie, I've read some loli things, but this shit has stuck with me or a long time.
This artist named Rustle made this doujin back for Comiket 78 in 2010, and I'm set to import it, it's affordable on Mandrake, but customs is probably gonna murder me, huh?

Any ideas?

Anonymous 14/10/30(Thu)16:36 No. 56603

It's not a request I swear, I'm just looking for an opinion.

Anonymous 14/10/30(Thu)16:48 No. 56604

It's not bad, the stories are a bit trite, but the artwork is gorgeous. You should get it.

Anonymous 14/10/30(Thu)20:58 No. 56605

The question is, am I gonna go to jail for importing it? I have the sinking feeling that customs would check that shit and ship me off to the slammer.

It's not looking very bright, remember Chris Handley?

Anonymous 14/10/31(Fri)01:25 No. 56606

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If I got away with shipping all this at once, you should be fine importing it alone.

Odds are that they will just X-ray it and unless it's covered in wires and mysterious white powder, you should be fine.
Most likely, the shipper will write "Book" or "Magazine" on the shipping papers. That's what I did and it worked out fine.

Anonymous 14/10/31(Fri)01:30 No. 56607

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Moreover, the Japanese are anal retentive about their package integrity.
It's not like it will flop out of the box if you shake it too hard. The last time I ordered a manga from Japan while in America, it took me 5 minutes to unbox it.

Not Smart but Inevitable Anonymous 14/12/04(Thu)10:11 No. 56684

OP, whether to order your hentai through the mail or online is sort of a toss up in 2014. Comics are not technically illegal, yet there is a dude in Cali who is serving hard prison time right now for purchasing loli books through the mail. So the mail isn't safe, and it grants an overzealous prosecutor some hard physical evidence to throw against you in court. On the other masturbation hand, your computer is wildly unsecure and heavily monitored by any number of agencies. Which is worse or if either is bad at all depends on which judge you are randomly assigned. There is no consistency in the legal system, at least not in the U.S.A. and probably not elsewhere in the English-speaking world, on the matter. You are going to read the manga and jerk off to it regardless, so I suggest you simply use whatever method causes you the least stress. Either way, use Tor and a gift card when ordering.

Anonymous 15/12/23(Wed)01:22 No. 57359

Out of curiosity, do people usually use Tor for their viewing habits?

Anonymous 16/05/27(Fri)22:49 No. 57606

not me.

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