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/h/ - Hentai

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Anonymous 14/09/24(Wed)09:55 No. 56502

File 141154535196.jpg - (1.47MB , 1400x1995 , 017bitch.jpg )

Dear 7chan,

I like to color hentai because I suck at everything else. Does anyone have any recommendations for something vanilla to colour?

Anything I like, I will color a few scenes and post here.

Here some Sample that I started colouring about ten minutes ago. I don't know if this goes into a "request thread." But I figured its something new. When I'm finished colouring this scene, I'll post the finished product.

I'll ignore anything that's not vanilla. So, no rape, tentacle, no gang-bang, no abuse, etc.

Damn file is too big to post, so you get the less finished version in lossyness

I'll have to upload pictures elsewhere if you like the lossy ones.

Anonymous 14/09/24(Wed)10:42 No. 56503

File 141154815382.jpg - (1.53MB , 1400x1995 , 0172bitch.jpg )

After a little touching up, and its too late so I'm going to bed.

Anonymous 14/09/25(Thu)09:44 No. 56509

File 141163104780.jpg - (729.46KB , 986x1400 , 008bitch.jpg )

Touch ups needed, but you guys get the point.

Anonymous 14/09/25(Thu)09:46 No. 56510

side note? the colours are personal taste, so sod off if you think they are bland.

Anonymous 14/09/25(Thu)20:40 No. 56515

You're doing god's work son.

Anonymous 14/09/26(Fri)01:00 No. 56516


Not sure if yon gentlemen is being sarcastic. That sentence could have varied meanings.

Why not try My Mountain Village Chapter Six?

That Guy 14/10/14(Tue)23:34 No. 56551

File 141332249017.jpg - (73.24KB , 500x468 , Is That Subway.jpg )

Keep up the good work, OP!

Also, what would you like us to call you besides OP?

Anonymous 14/11/04(Tue)09:03 No. 56617


Anonymous 14/11/16(Sun)09:15 No. 56647

I want to second this.

Anonymous 14/12/04(Thu)10:14 No. 56685

File 14176844407.jpg - (104.95KB , 960x960 , anime in the streets hentai in the sheetss.jpg )

Sorry anons, the image was already made into a joke and posted on a chan when I found it. I have no clue about the source.

I answered too soon That Guy 14/12/04(Thu)10:35 No. 56686

Holy smokes, Google Reverse Image Search came through. The comic is Sugar Spot Chapter 4. The download links are dead, but with a title and artist name, it should be possible for you to find the work, anons.


Anonymous 14/12/06(Sat)06:16 No. 56696


I'd like to recommend Together with Akiko-san

Very sexy and very cute, great vanilla artwork

There are FOURTEEN chapters, and I love pretty much all of them. But if can only pick one then maybe number 6: https://www.fakku.net/doujinshi/together-with-akiko-san-6-english

(Although there are 14 chapters, they aren't all the same continuity, the author reboots the story three times.)

That Guy 14/12/19(Fri)21:32 No. 56712

Anons, I found a working torrent which includes Sugar Spot Chapter 4. Run a search for torrent [Maeshima Ryo] Sugar Spot Ch.4 on DuckDuckGo and follow the second link to find the torrent. I will keep seeding for a couple of hours while I get some sleep. Happy faps.

Discy 15/01/23(Fri)17:43 No. 56757

OP here. I thought this thread was dead months ago. I'll give those extra links a shot and color some. I'll get back as soon as possible.

You can call me Discy.

Anonymous 15/02/03(Tue)02:29 No. 56772

Discy, just discovered this thread wasn't dead! Happy to hear you will be doing more of these. :)

(I'm guy that suggested Together with Akiko-san.)

Anonymous 15/03/17(Tue)15:04 No. 56837

We're not dead yet.

Anonymous 23/04/20(Thu)10:49 No. 59674

Digital coloring is <3

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