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/h/ - Hentai

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Your favorite fap sites Anonymous 11/06/27(Mon)02:16 No. 51210

File 130913379892.jpg - (195.17KB , 667x950 , 2bee2553c90a3a2115640bb5180ae81f.jpg )

Post your favorite hentai resources for the ultimate list of fap material.


Anonymous 11/06/28(Tue)13:58 No. 51221


Anonymous 11/06/29(Wed)01:00 No. 51226

http://www.hongfire.com usually is good for information/links.
http://www.aerisdies.com for images.
http://www.newfapchan.org 7chan is being down or something.

Anonymous 11/07/05(Tue)02:12 No. 51252

sageing this shit

Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)04:43 No. 51279


Anonymous 11/07/24(Sun)23:13 No. 51319


Anonymous 11/07/25(Mon)04:40 No. 51320


Anonymous 11/07/26(Tue)04:13 No. 51324


danbooru with more lenient mods. lolis, guro, and other objectionable shit.

Anonymous 11/07/27(Wed)07:30 No. 51338

Gellbooru is the ghetto of the boorus.

http://www.wurmknighthentai.com/ is worthwhile for direct downloads if you can't find a torrent or whatever.

Cable 11/07/31(Sun)00:22 No. 51356

File 13120645351.jpg - (218.19KB , 669x903 , 9c0f946e469d5ef99c45dc2a8f1a47d9.jpg )

Seconding this.
Gelbooru is undertagged, low-quality bullshit with a community on par with 4chan's.

For a long time, I used to go to nvhentai.com for a lot of things. It's more of a last resort for anything now, really.

Anonymous 11/08/07(Sun)11:17 No. 51381

http://www.tblop.com/ Does this count?

Anonymous 11/08/09(Tue)00:15 No. 51387

File 131284174253.jpg - (70.98KB , 800x800 , tabithaalone.jpg )

who's that in OP's pic?


Anonymous 11/08/27(Sat)00:18 No. 52227


What's a great site for d/l H movies? Can never find any good ones. (angel blade, la blue girl, and plenty more, discipline....)

Anonymous 11/08/28(Sun)06:20 No. 52234


Anonymous 11/08/30(Tue)10:56 No. 52240

File 131469458950.jpg - (162.16KB , 487x500 , 1227507983139.jpg )

Gelbooru, Paheal, 7chan, niggertits, imagefap for pics
Tubegalore, Spankwire, XVideos for vids
and google search for everything else

Anonymous 11/08/31(Wed)20:54 No. 52253

paheal has plenty of content, but the site itself is riddled with trojans, viruses, and spyware. I won't even go there anymore, as it always results in some amount of computer cleaning or such bullshit.

Anonymous 11/09/02(Fri)20:54 No. 52265

I use rule34.booru.

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:56 No. 52898

what are you on about?

hentai manga hentai manga 11/10/07(Fri)07:11 No. 52928


Welllll Gummistiefeln 11/10/14(Fri)05:32 No. 53264

forum.hentaipalm.com is pretty good for somewhat tamer content, but there is a fuck ton of it here.

xbooru.com is meh. Mostly reposted material, some good finds, though.

paheal has some good shit on it, but it's slow as fuck

wwoec.com is pretty good if you want to search by artist. Mostly western. Gotta sift through some shitty artists.

dumpstersluts.net - the forum here is pretty good for amateur porn finds.

animepee.me is good if you're into watersports. Not terribly too much content on site, but a lot of good links.

danbooru.donmai.us I'm pretty sure everyone here knows this place, by now.

gelbooru.com is pretty good.

xtube.com is good until you hit their fucking download limits. Also, lots of paid content that doesn't show itself as paid until you've already started loading. But lots to sift through.

There's other ones. Can't make thinks right now.

Anonymous 11/10/14(Fri)16:07 No. 53272

hbrowse.com for fast manga reading without the bullshit 3rd party download sites

plus look at the sheer amount of categorization...

Anonymous 11/10/17(Mon)14:41 No. 53295

gelbooru.com is my favorite ~booru site. No limits for posting/searching images.

chan.sankakucomplex.com - another good gallery.



pornolab.net - nice collection of hentai torrents on fucking Russian.

Anonymous 11/11/30(Wed)23:38 No. 53574


Anonymous 11/12/19(Mon)07:26 No. 53710


Anonymous 11/12/24(Sat)19:54 No. 53719

My favourite comic selection.
Some are even in colour.


It takes a long time to load the first while, but it really is an amazing site.

Anonymous 12/01/30(Mon)12:51 No. 53837

Anyone got a place to find hentai movies? Torrents preferably?

Anonymous 12/02/05(Sun)20:52 No. 53841




Anonymous 12/03/26(Mon)17:37 No. 53976


Anonymous 12/04/04(Wed)05:45 No. 54020

I'm surprised no-one's mentioned http://lu.scio.us yet.

Anonymous 12/04/09(Mon)04:43 No. 54032

best site ever

Anonymous 12/05/05(Sat)23:16 No. 54090

Find a favorite

Anonymous 12/05/16(Wed)06:42 No. 54105

hentai-foundry.com is alright.

Anonymous 12/05/17(Thu)00:54 No. 54106


the best

Anonymous 12/06/05(Tue)20:00 No. 54167


yes, its full of delicious cake

Anonymous 12/06/15(Fri)09:23 No. 54177

Must I eat it?

Anonymous 12/09/10(Mon)00:02 No. 54404

this should be a sticky thread

Anonymous 12/09/18(Tue)22:50 No. 54415


Anonymous 12/09/26(Wed)20:15 No. 54425


Personally one of my favorites.

Anonymous 12/10/16(Tue)16:24 No. 54496


a lot of nice incest doujins

Anonymous 13/03/23(Sat)23:38 No. 54988

I can confirm Paheal is a dangerous place to go without disabling Javascript, Flash, etc. I once caught a ransomware on it.

HBrowse Anonymous 13/03/26(Tue)18:10 No. 54992

for doujin, hbrowse.com

Rocky 13/04/11(Thu)10:55 No. 55051

You guys are the best. Thanks!

Anonymous 13/04/24(Wed)00:17 No. 55117


Santos 13/08/29(Thu)21:49 No. 55556


all hentai sites you need :P


Anonymous 14/01/06(Mon)11:21 No. 55997

File 138900370199.jpg - (165.65KB , 800x1148 , 1378072093736.jpg )

HentaiJason32 14/01/30(Thu)19:46 No. 56028

File 139110757296.jpg - (101.04KB , 1358x662 , TPD.jpg )

I usually check out the Hentai section on http://theporndude.com/. They have the TOP 20 listed there with my personal favourite hentaistream.com as nr.1 :)

Anonymous 14/02/09(Sun)21:12 No. 56035

Hbrowse.com for hentai manga. Quick site with nice organization

Cable 14/02/14(Fri)15:03 No. 56039

File 139238658599.jpg - (9.39KB , 260x260 , sad-panda-because-v4.jpg )

exhentai - Doujinshi/Manga
Danbooru - Images
Pixiv - Directly from the artists

Anonymous 14/04/16(Wed)07:25 No. 56123

Anonymous 14/07/17(Thu)07:57 No. 56299

Surprised only one mention of chan.sankakucomplex.com

Cable 14/07/19(Sat)14:15 No. 56302

Probably because it's garbage.

Anonymous 14/07/25(Fri)10:37 No. 56309


actually after checking out that site for a few days it has some benefits, the interface is shitty as all get up but they have a much larger library than danbooru, and loli access without gold account. is danbooru not that good?

Cable 14/07/26(Sat)01:36 No. 56312

File 140633138086.png - (725.32KB , 1000x832 , 39770800_p1.png )

Sankaku is great if you like furry and/or western shit-art, crappy nudefilters and jpeg artifacted screenshots.
Danbooru holds its posters to a higher standard, and there is no shortage of good loli. However, the staff have went from a benign dictatorship to a bunch of care bears and allow gelbooru/sankaku-tier garbage to run almost freely, just because a few members post a high quantity of images, rather than quality.

I just use pixiv now. Cut out the middleman. But even that is starting to become riddled with stupid foreigners.

Anonymous 14/08/04(Mon)06:30 No. 56322

I mean, yea, most are shit. But there's some good stuff on there.

Cable 14/08/04(Mon)21:29 No. 56324

Still doesn't mean I'll go picking through turds for the peanuts, personally.

Anonymous 14/08/05(Tue)08:24 No. 56325

Meh. Makes sense.

Anonymous 14/08/30(Sat)02:04 No. 56379

File 140935709371.jpg - (3.16MB , 2452x3489 , moe 112224 bottomless ishikei loli nagato_yuki nis.jpg )

the shit you posted isn't too great either, why didn't you post something objectively good, like Ishikei? it shows you have no taste

sankaku is better than that censored danbooru crap, search system is better, the only bad thing is that it doesnt have tags in filenames like on moe.imouto

Cable 14/08/30(Sat)04:10 No. 56382

You're adorable

Anonymous 14/08/31(Sun)21:04 No. 56395

File 140951189674.jpg - (109.38KB , 700x990 , d132627fa154ad1090142f94de520d4ae5ad3f98.jpg )

I use imou(dot, why is .to banned?)to and sankaku channel, fuck danbooru (censored and you need to pay to view loli, what in the name of FUCK?), fuck gelbooru (less stuff than on sankaku and I'm talking about the good shit as well, not just r34 crap)

Cable 14/08/31(Sun)23:51 No. 56397

File 140952189580.jpg - (183.58KB , 850x1216 , sample-27bb62ef3380b89372f3ae3f9ff6c5fc.jpg )

Someone put a part of the domain in the site's spamfilter. I've removed it, because it's silly.

But I honestly stay away from *booru's now. I used them to find the pixiv profiles for artists I liked and just followed them on there. I rarely use danbooru any more, except to follow artists who only post their work on blogs or their homepage, as well as some artbook or comic scans. Works by popular artists also get translations faster than most translations teams will take to release them.

Also, I'm perfectly fine with censorship over shitty nudefilters any day.

Kookee 14/09/01(Mon)03:27 No. 56399

File 140953484821.gif - (182.14KB , 468x60 , TPD.gif )

Mine is http://theporndude.com :)

Travina 14/09/16(Tue)16:26 No. 56483

www.iwantporn.net/#hentai for some very good hentai sites

Anonymous 14/09/25(Thu)20:16 No. 56514

rule34.xxx is ok too.

Anonymous 14/10/23(Thu)09:08 No. 56569

e-hentai and Sankaku

Son Goku 14/11/13(Thu)08:09 No. 56638


Anonymous 14/11/17(Mon)17:24 No. 56651


Jet Li 14/11/25(Tue)06:21 No. 56666

Cosplay (Hentai) Pics! :)

Anonymous 15/02/24(Tue)03:36 No. 56806

http://www.doujinshi.rocks is a nice hentai doujin site!

Best Hentai Site HentaiExpert 15/03/10(Tue)01:05 No. 56823

i found some good manga like alluring woman and peachy butt girls and also there is all doujinshi of sao and bakemonogatari and all work from clesta.

HentaiRead.com Anonymous 15/05/19(Tue)00:53 No. 56947

File 143198962123.jpg - (154.54KB , 900x1289 , 001.jpg )

They have good stuff here like Melty Gaze and Peachy Butt Girls and Porno Switch and some goods manga loli

Julian Ankudewicz 15/07/15(Wed)03:44 No. 57021

I personally love either of these 2

or even better

Your choice :P

Anonymous 15/07/25(Sat)11:20 No. 57040

This site, sankaku channel, and any other site that offers it.

Favorite /h/ series for me, very likely Starless by the publisher Empress, I always got a good time to jack off to Empress's porn characters.

Sara 16/03/03(Thu)19:58 No. 57476

File 145703153917.png - (772.93KB , 1903x955 , FireShot Screen Capture #016 - 'AMAPORN - Vid.png )

Personally i always watch my favoutite porn hentai video on http://www.amaporn.com in their hentai category !

hentai manga and videos Brenian 16/03/15(Tue)17:55 No. 57497

My best hentai manga source would be http://hentaii.xxx,
Cause we get to chat about the hentai manga we read. Hope it helps mate

Jone 16/04/30(Sat)11:11 No. 57563

There is a lot. My favorite is http://pussyg.com

Pornxpert 16/05/17(Tue)07:21 No. 57589

hentaihaven.org or if you want something into irl faapy.com thank me later lol.

Anonymous 16/05/17(Tue)07:29 No. 57590

http://faapy.com wasnt bad nor was hentaihaven.org thanks for the share xpert

Anonymous 16/06/21(Tue)23:26 No. 57632



Anonymous 16/08/06(Sat)23:48 No. 57661

sankakucomplex will be good when the site's creator changes all the lame admins over there so I stay with danbooru

hentai manga akane 16/08/19(Fri)02:55 No. 57826

File 147156813210.jpg - (952.91KB , 1130x1598 , 0001.jpg )

Check out hentaibeast.com

Anonymous 16/10/01(Sat)17:40 No. 58109

They promoted me to janitor there and then to normal user again just because some morons were posting my images with different sizes while mine were better.

AnaClara 16/10/14(Fri)01:48 No. 58156

My favourite site is

Anonymous 16/10/29(Sat)14:04 No. 58249


they have some good high quality content

Hentai Claudio 17/02/12(Sun)21:45 No. 58567

The best site is:

Anonymous 17/02/13(Mon)23:32 No. 58568


Pokemon Hentai Pokemon Hentai 17/02/16(Thu)06:08 No. 58569


norman78 17/05/25(Thu)11:13 No. 58635

http://best-paidpornsites.com/ is my favourite source for hentai porn sites.

TamiiX 17/09/17(Sun)05:45 No. 58747

That Hermani cam girl or whatever her name is does the cosplay stuff, horny af! Her archive is on http://livecamvids.com
Hermani the Jew Princess gyal

Anonymous 18/01/17(Wed)01:46 No. 58812

http://hentaibay.net/ is legit

Anonymous 18/02/11(Sun)23:02 No. 58825

I checked it out based on your recommendation. It's okay, but I don't see the appeal. What do you like about it?

Anonymous 18/07/27(Fri)10:53 No. 58856

File 153268161468.png - (892.89KB , 610x871 , 超级截屏_20180726_163208.png )

Anonymous 18/08/15(Wed)05:07 No. 58857



Rules zwq 18/08/25(Sat)13:27 No. 58860

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•Currently 1199 unique user posts. View catalog

51210 JAX 18/09/10(Mon)17:10 No. 58864


Anonymous 18/09/20(Thu)18:46 No. 58876


Anonymous 19/04/29(Mon)11:21 No. 59089


Anonymous 19/06/07(Fri)04:52 No. 59117

https://saradahentai.com is underratted

Anonymous 19/06/20(Thu)23:23 No. 59130


I found several very good hentai

Anonymous 19/07/19(Fri)22:03 No. 59139

File 156356659787.jpg - (49.94KB , 576x432 , Annelitte hentai rpg developed by circle Shoku (4).jpg )

I'm seriously loving this eroge site <3


Anonymous 19/10/25(Fri)12:01 No. 59175

File 157199771699.jpg - (172.11KB , 350x498 , Bunny Lovers.jpg )

https://hentai4free.net is fast growing hentai site with the collection of hentai manga,doujinshi,adult manhwa,webtoons,hentai image,anime...

Anonymous 19/11/27(Wed)20:20 No. 59200

my web favoutite for watch porn hentai is


Anonymous 20/01/05(Sun)13:09 No. 59207

File 157822619860.jpg - (343.45KB , 850x1197 , 20200000.jpg )

That's my fave

Anonymous 20/05/21(Thu)20:18 No. 59259

My is https://hentailolico.com/

Anonymous 20/06/25(Thu)22:42 No. 59287


is my favorite page


Anonymous 20/11/11(Wed)13:09 No. 59402


Touho 20/11/11(Wed)13:19 No. 59403

File 160509714087.jpg - (41.50KB , 512x512 , previewfile_914447358.jpg )


favourite fap sites FreddyUnder78 21/02/09(Tue)16:05 No. 59437

here you'll find everything you need.. [Best Hentai Porn Sites](https://thepornmap.com/list/hentai-porn-sites/)

Anonymous 21/02/16(Tue)05:20 No. 59443


Anonymous 21/02/16(Tue)05:29 No. 59444


yanore 21/02/21(Sun)03:28 No. 59447


Anonymous 21/04/17(Sat)20:21 No. 59465


Great English Hentai videos for free

Anonymous 21/04/19(Mon)15:12 No. 59467

File 161883795220.jpg - (39.97KB , 300x250 , B6C0895B-4103-467B-B374-3C84F89BAAC7.jpg )

Anonymous 21/04/28(Wed)07:58 No. 59470

I like to make some durty talks and flirting with different girls online. I have already downloaded coo app for video chat here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.videochat.olive Its convenient and good opportunity to find girlfriend for me.

Anonymous 21/05/06(Thu)17:58 No. 59476

File 162031669885.jpg - (3.76KB , 200x113 , 4108117572,915812216.jpg )

Hentai site Pornoking 21/06/27(Sun)02:36 No. 59488

For straight and hd sex i started to go on https://www.pornxpert.com but for hentai always stuck in 2 spots lol either hentaihaven.org or hentaidude

Anonymous 21/08/20(Fri)21:23 No. 59518

my favorite page for the fap is


mike Anonymous 22/02/14(Mon)01:01 No. 59568


Anonymous 22/03/20(Sun)14:03 No. 59571


this is mine.

photos theo linn 22/04/23(Sat)17:46 No. 59581

can you send me photos?

59287 viktor 22/05/23(Mon)14:59 No. 59586

Raed hentai mang at https://hentai4free.net/

Anonymous 22/07/16(Sat)15:44 No. 59597

Anyone know what's going on with sadpanda? All I get is a blank screen

Anonymous 22/08/21(Sun)14:12 No. 59607

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Money for nothing, chicks for free

Anonymous 22/09/07(Wed)15:27 No. 59622

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Anonymous 23/03/21(Tue)10:38 No. 59661

File 167939151452.jpg - (205.51KB , 707x1000 , 03.jpg )

How's hentai-foundry?

Anonymous 23/04/23(Sun)16:05 No. 59677


Anonymous 24/08/03(Sat)09:57 No. 60013

They still work.


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