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Tifa time! Anonymous 09/08/09(Sun)16:50 No. 10921

File 124982940333.jpg - (121.74KB , 600x800 , 1242744757160.jpg )

Tifa time!

king basco 09/08/09(Sun)22:10 No. 10934

File 124984864792.jpg - (131.03KB , 600x800 , 313333%20-%20Final_Fantasy_VII%20Tifa_Lockheart.jpg )

so all the itfas go here?

king basco 09/08/09(Sun)22:12 No. 10936

File 124984874965.jpg - (297.36KB , 1000x1000 , 1249817207477.jpg )

king basco 09/08/10(Mon)04:19 No. 10983

File 124987074419.jpg - (40.99KB , 468x624 , ff1.jpg )

sorrry about that ill leave the Tifas here

king basco 09/08/10(Mon)04:28 No. 10984

File 124987130093.jpg - (123.69KB , 578x900 , 1241148048349.jpg )

Anonymous 09/08/10(Mon)04:42 No. 10985

File 124987212588.jpg - (45.56KB , 515x650 , tifa132.jpg )


yes please

Anonymous 09/08/10(Mon)05:53 No. 10986

File 124987640392.jpg - (162.50KB , 800x566 , 1249364884604.jpg )

Because I had to contribute someday.

king basco 09/08/10(Mon)06:06 No. 10987

File 124987718623.jpg - (107.01KB , 620x484 , 1239420116816.jpg )

Anonymous 09/08/10(Mon)08:18 No. 10992

File 124988513480.jpg - (153.38KB , 600x800 , tifa08.jpg )

Anonymous 09/08/10(Mon)08:26 No. 10994

File 124988559996.gif - (792.73KB , 320x240 , 1132267291580.gif )

Anonymous 09/08/10(Mon)20:24 No. 11002

File 124992867322.jpg - (119.80KB , 550x750 , 1245131541909.jpg )

Its always time for tifa

Anonymous 09/08/11(Tue)13:08 No. 11007

File 12499888982.gif - (764.43KB , 400x300 , Animated.gif )

Anonymous 09/08/25(Tue)00:57 No. 11733


Anonymous 10/01/14(Thu)12:28 No. 26860

whos the artist of the first two?
and these last 3

Hooray for tifa the hotest big tit hentai girl ever!! Jahavad 10/07/20(Tue)07:38 No. 44212

Anonymous 10/08/17(Tue)01:25 No. 44667

Anyone got one where the suspenders just cover her nipples? I seen one like that before.

Cable 10/08/17(Tue)02:34 No. 44668

File 128200525440.jpg - (213.40KB , 715x1000 , 8c6a6620b1bce62ba4d6e1dd89ded3c2.jpg )


Anonymous 10/08/20(Fri)06:15 No. 44697

i provide nigger tifa

Anonymous 10/08/24(Tue)21:12 No. 44741

...you mean you DON'T want her in delicious brown?

Anonymous 11/02/22(Tue)18:44 No. 49718

these are so awesome

Anonymous 11/02/24(Thu)17:12 No. 49750

File 129856396331.png - (853.81KB , 800x1131 , wallpaper-129468.png )


never said i didn't want just classified her

Anonymous 11/02/27(Sun)20:56 No. 49766

Anonymous 11/03/07(Mon)23:21 No. 49808

Reporting in.

Anonymous 11/03/12(Sat)04:39 No. 49818

I was just thinking this morning of putting in a request for this thread at the request sticky.
Are you guys wizards?

Anonymous 11/03/12(Sat)16:40 No. 49822

File 12999444047.jpg - (47.41KB , 520x520 , 231523 - Final_Fantasy_VII Tifa_Lockheart.jpg )

Anonymous 11/03/12(Sat)17:55 No. 49823

File 129994892629.jpg - (199.84KB , 800x1136 , img.jpg )

yay Tifa!

Anonymous 11/12/07(Wed)05:16 No. 53590

links are down

Stormstrife 11/12/31(Sat)21:03 No. 53755

File 132536181024.jpg - (290.60KB , 850x666 , Tifa_3D_51.jpg )

Wow this is still here? now i feel like completely sorting and reuploading the updated collection, check back within the next few days, heres a new pic

Stormstrifes Tifa Collection 2.0 Stormstrife 12/01/02(Mon)15:14 No. 53762

File 132551365022.jpg - (482.63KB , 1115x2038 , 5.jpg )

Like I said I would, Here is the updated collection. There are 2040 pictures in this collection, sorted and named. Delete and replace the old one with this one, due to pictures moving around and stuff, it is NOT a good idea to try and add this into the old one because of the same filenames with different pictures. If theres a few missing numbers its just because stuff was moved into another folder. If you find any dups please lemme know, I doubt theres more then 20 but if you find them just gimme the filenames. The zips are standalone, so you can start to look through them as soon as one finishes. The pictures dont exactly match the zips but they give a good idea. Im not uploading the subpar, movies, flash games or doujin folders, the first for obvious reasons and the others because theyre about a gb each.

tldr: 2040 pics, Enjoy

Part A - http://www.mediafire.com/?7a02pwge4to9ty8
Part B - http://www.mediafire.com/?igqfxtcf0c8ysuq
Part C - http://www.mediafire.com/?5o6pb4lxoxedzo9
Part D - http://www.mediafire.com/?aj4wo7hffziqgjs

Anonymous 12/01/07(Sat)10:46 No. 53777

These last 4 downloads are full of malicious crap. Just ruined my new laptop. Thats my fault for looking at porn on my new hardware. You're fault for making a crap download to lure honest porn goers to their computers untimely demise.

Anonymous 12/02/05(Sun)13:18 No. 53840

I personally went and checked each file, I found no virus. Your post was ambiguous as well, can you prove that the virus - assuming we are talking about a trojan here, is real, which file in particular did it come from? Are you sure it was one of these files?

I scanned them all and have found nothing unusual.

Anonymous 12/02/09(Thu)09:40 No. 53878

File removed.jpg - (273.53KB , 1200x800 , TIFA.jpg )

The trojan came from the first file, after it was about half way done downloading my virus scanner went ape shit crazy telling me that I had downloaded an trojan into my systems folder. Couldn't dig too much into it either what with nothing responding. Couldn't even ctrl alt del. As far as being ambiguous, I couldn't care less if you think that. Fact is I tried to download the file, got a trojan and had to fix my new computer. I admit to my fault. Now keep the thread alive at least and post something no new content in a month.

Nattapod 12/02/15(Wed)22:59 No. 53893

my computer is still running fine,

none of this proves that the zips have viruses, i dont even know what scanner youre using so im going to have to assume you already had the virus, or possibly a rogue antivirus.

Dirk 16/08/20(Sat)09:20 No. 57851

the file is fine, stop spreading lies

Anonymous 16/09/20(Tue)19:06 No. 58092


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