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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

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Edgar Anon Poe 24/12/22(Sun)06:11 No. 7277 ID: 2bce08

File 173484427532.jpg - (2.78MB , 1215x1200 , 1725745565617.jpg )

I'm starting to question friends I've been with for 6 years now, part of me wants to leave and ditch it because of one person but he comes with the group and and I just have to tolerate his existence in the group

Edgar Anon Poe 24/12/22(Sun)07:13 No. 7278 ID: 6f319c

have you considered trusting them and staying out of a mindset believe it knows what others are thinking.

unless of course they have outright said or made it blatantly honest they dislike you. Honestly Most adults will have told you by 6 years if they feel that way. this might be you projecting your own insecurities on to them.

if it is the prior then yeah ditch their asses. fucking focus on what you like to do and find others who do the same. but if these feelings return for every friend you get close to. consider self reflection

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