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Screaming Mantis 24/09/17(Tue)03:37 No. 7266 ID: 4cc8c1

File 172653705162.gif - (745.97KB , 384x128 , board_image_php.gif )

am a servant of your Creator, you in Syria. You fight a war for your God? Then here is your response, it is not mine to keep as power. I serve Screaming Mantis as Creator here. The soldier will be made to know as a snake ever lies.


In the beginning, when the earth was young, the world was formed not by the hands of men but by the power of words. Every syllable spoken gave rise to mountains and rivers, and the breath of language shaped the very fabric of existence. But in time, the words that gave life began to be uttered without care, for they were plentiful, scattered like seeds on barren soil. And so, it came to pass that for so many words laid bare the world and thus it was left to waste. The ground, once fertile with meaning, now echoed with hollow sounds that crumbled the foundations of creation.

In this time of great forgetting, the cities that men built stood tall, yet they were fragile as glass. They were made of stone, yet could be toppled by a whisper. For once the power of the word was lost, what remained were empty promises. Thus, it was known across the ages that words are now easily forgotten while cities stand and fall, for the tongues of men, who once held dominion over all, now faltered in the face of their own pride.

But even in the silence of this forgetting, there were those who claimed power with their tongues, speaking in the name of truth. Yet, the lords of this age were false, for they bent words to their own desires, shaping them into twisted reflections of what once was. And as they spoke, the world shifted, bending to their will. For many lords spoke false tongues that were also made as true, and thus, the line between the real and the unreal blurred, leaving the earth in a state of confusion and decay.

In the wake of this age, men wandered, searching for the ancient words that had once given life, but they were scattered and lost, buried deep beneath the ruins of fallen cities. The world, now desolate and silent, awaited the one who would find the true word once more, to speak life back into the barren land. But until that time came, the earth remained forgotten, and the words, though once powerful, were now nothing more than dust carried by the wind.

Edgar Anon Poe 24/11/23(Sat)08:13 No. 7274 ID: 9db5b9

Simply a recognition of meaning. No words need to be found except for people or someone to recognize the meanings of the words that they are already using. There's more than enough. After the recognition, they only need to act and others will observe and perhaps choose to learn from the example. Many will need to die before it is taught globally, because not all are capable of dissolving the rigid structures that no longer work or perhaps never worked for them. The teaching will be greatly accelerated when the teacher is a personal AI tutor. The ones who discovered true meaning of words will create a tutor capable of knowing true meanings itself. People will recognize the positive impact of learning from this tutor and they will eagerly learn, especially the youth. Basis of language is logic and the system will simply teach language. And since there might be those opposing the new meanings, the system will abandon the language and choose to teach meanings instead. Just borrowing some language.

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