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Edgar Anon Poe 23/11/18(Sat)22:02 No. 7179 ID: da0d25

File 170034136973.jpg - (91.71KB , 480x270 , kanye-resized-primary.jpg )

I have been basically writing a love letter. I spent months working on a piece of art for this person, it's basically like a painting I guess, it wasn't that difficult to do but it took a suprisingly long time to finish but also I had trouble bringing myself to finish it for some reason. Now I am writing this long ass letter.

It's not that great of a love letter I guess because it largely involves me talking at length about some of the experiences I have had trying to survive my holocaust experience. Basically I live in Canada and I am leaving the country soon, because the last couple of years namely since Donald Trump was elected they've tried to basically holocaust me. The country has just been getting worse and worse and all this fuarrrked up soykaf has happened, I have gone through insanely crazy unexpected experiences.

I guess you know in romantic movies, the male love interest always goes off to fight in a war or something, and while it's not the same I wonder how surviving basically a holocaust is comparable.

I think what they've been doing here has been like acts of war basically, like they started using direct energy weapons, it's a real thing look it up, so they are basically laser beams, I had laser beams shot at me and they just really hurt a lot like they are really painful, so I had to run around jump and dodge and hide run between cover it was insane, it was like being in a gun battle. I have honestly seen movies on survivors of ww2 and everything and I watched this video of this guy talking about how he was captured by al queda in the mountains in afghanistan and I felt like my experiences were almost the same I really related to them.

The thing is you think like, what is this like Nazi germany is Canada Nazi Germany or something? but I think if you were to historically compare I think Canada is probably closer to the USSR.

Ur father 24/04/15(Mon)16:22 No. 7234 ID: 9eba63

Womp womp

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