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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

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Edgar Anon Poe 23/01/15(Sun)20:58 No. 6996 ID: 33db42

File 167381273447.jpg - (65.14KB , 729x517 , iufghwlifrg.jpg )

Today would have been my Dad's 68th birthday if he hadn't died at 56. I don't tell anyone that I cry about him every day and haven't felt genuine happiness since. I miss him and hate that he's not here. I wish he sucked so I wouldn't care but he was really great.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/01/16(Mon)23:03 No. 7009 ID: 6eecfc

I don't think he would want you to suffer so much due to his loss, anon. Loss is very hard but you should make the best out of what you have. Live a good life for him, I'm sure he wants you to.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/01/17(Tue)23:56 No. 7010 ID: dec077

That was unexpectedly wholesome. Thank you.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/01/26(Thu)05:26 No. 7012 ID: 186b27

my dad died a few years ago and i hardly think about him at all. he wasn't a bad dad either. i cried once a few weeks after he died because i had a dream where we said goodbye to each other. it's strange how different people deal with things. but i guess i did have bad feelings/fears about him dying for a long time before he actually died, so maybe it was like an inoculation against the grief when it actually happened.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/01/26(Thu)22:37 No. 7014 ID: 0d9656

That is...

Edgar Anon Poe 23/02/11(Sat)02:51 No. 7028 ID: ec3e78

File 167608026315.png - (1.40MB , 1246x646 , childhood.png )

That's the difference. He died suddenly and kinda young, so I hadn't gotten to the point in my life where I started to worry about it. I was no where near prepared for it.

On the upside, I didn't cry about him today. >>7009's post really helped me.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/03/11(Sat)17:47 No. 7053 ID: 28c3e7

I wish you were not dominated with affliction so you may not wish a nice man to have been a bad one

OP 23/04/26(Wed)17:02 No. 7087 ID: 3943aa

Its been 13 years man. You have wasted a good part of your life grieving. Time to move on and live the good part of your life.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/04/27(Thu)07:15 No. 7089 ID: f8cf79

You gotta let it go man.
My mom died 5 years ago and I fucked my life up getting a DUI and it's still fucking with me to this day, Let it go man, it's not worth it. They gave you a lot of wonderful years. Don't regret that they are gone be thankful that they happened.

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