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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

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Edgar Anon Poe 23/01/09(Mon)01:53 No. 6937 ID: 7f1686

File 167322561252.png - (410.03KB , 669x533 , dead inside.png )

The girl who lives downstairs from me cries a lot when her boyfriend isn't around..

Edgar Anon Poe 23/01/09(Mon)10:40 No. 6938 ID: 994083

Do you think she hears you cry also?

Edgar Anon Poe 23/01/09(Mon)20:40 No. 6939 ID: e909ae

How does it make you feel?

Edgar Anon Poe 23/01/12(Thu)14:28 No. 6940 ID: 59410a

Tell her "shut the fuck up. I'm trying to sleep."

Edgar Anon Poe 23/01/15(Sun)21:05 No. 6998 ID: 33db42

Kinda bad. I mean, it's one thing to yell when alone, it's another to sob loudly.

And what the hell happened here? Is someone spamming the board?

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