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Soon to be 30 year old virgin? Edgar Anon Poe 22/12/29(Thu)04:38 No. 6931 ID: 2b5fda

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Shooting this into the void probably but i am grasping at straws right now.

So as the title says i am 29 year old male virgin soon to turn 30. I remember myself at 18,19 years old wishing i wouldn't end up like this but in the blink of an eye it's my reality now.

To keep the story short(might expand if anyone reads this shit.) i'm in this situation because of my fucked up head(social anxiety mostly, very extreme at some points, overthinking and being anxious even about a single word.

Now that i have kinda "bruteforced" my anxiety i have an intense interest of meeting a woman, a gf if you will. But one last thing that fucking paralyzes me is the fact that i kinda made my hair start to grey well before my time. My mother noticed a few grey hairs when i was 22 or 23 i think. I had an intense period of my life when i induced myself into massive stress for basically nothing, bullshit.
And then at age 24 when i mustered the courage to download tinder(actually got matches, and women ready to go on dates) i chickened out because i was owerweight. I somehow managed to drop ~30kg of weight to get back on tinder. While doing this i "forgot" about my grey hair. And when i was finally ready to get back to try and date i started to look at photos my friend took of me for tinder and i started to think about my fucking hair again. And the last nail in my coffin was my colleagues(95% women) started to notice
and comment on my grey hair, not with bad intent more with shock, pitty. But it literraly destroyed the last drop of dignity i had in my looks. And i fully shot down after that. Literally every interraction i had with a person i was thinking if they will spot my fukcking grey hair. I haven't taken a full focused look at myself (hair and face) for about 5 years. And since then i defaulted to a buzz cut as my default hairstyle.
And now in my fucked up life when i start to get even the smallest micro sun ray shining on me. Got a better job after all that nearly all woman job .

Then i fucked up and "lost" that job. Bummed around and did nothing again. Got a better job that is my current one (nepotism, not gonna lie)
My current job is all male and my immediate colleagues are mostly in the 18-24 bracket. All of them have gf's of course. So they sometimes joke around and tease me when i will get a gf.
Important side note if you have read all that shit up this point. If we stay at colleague, aquintance level you won't know that is me. I can pass as a "mostly" normal dude, maybe shy, quiet but not a weirdo or fucked up i really am.
I am about average height where i live 6'1 for you americans, not overweight anymore i wasn't even that obese in my fat years, face not deformed, shower when go into public, work(during my most fucked up periods i didn't leave my house for a month at a time,
and didn't shower for like a week or more at a time)

You know what's the most funny shit in all of this is. I didn't get asked about my age before i quit the all female workplace. Had a few asks during the next job, didn't pay attention to it.
And now at my current job when my younger coworkers ask me my age they all are shocked when i say that i'm nearly 30(they usually say 20,21,22,23,24).
And to counter the, they are just curious or whatever when they ask my age at my first workplace, i had to pick up this dude i had never met before, at my second job, to give him the lift to the workplace. I pick him up, we greet each other, then kinda just drive silently and out of nowhere
he asks what is your age. I tell him my age confusingly and i ask him what did he think and he said ~22(can't remember the exact number).
I don't care about this aspect at all, but it's funny and ironic that i look younger than my age but i started to grey before my time.

But then when my colleagues at the first job made a comment about the strange color of my hair. I fucking panicked. And then i started just cutting my hair even shorter myself.
Almost bald you can say(2mm). I kind of accepted this new almost bald me, my skull shape is ok for such a cut actually. The first red flags i missed was when my family or people that haven't seen me in a while "jokingly"
made referances like yo dude when did you get out of prison and shit.

And finally after all these years of misery, when i finally started to get my life a little bit on track(got my drivers licence, got the current job, bought a car, got a little bit of disposable income and shit,got my own apartament i rent
i installed tinder first. Thinking it would be as easy getting matches when i was 23-24 i was quite delusional and in for a big surprise.
My colleague took some pics of me for tinder but i still dressed in them like i was the 20year old me. Very unserious jacket, sneakers, sweatpants and my almost bald head. Got like 3 likes and 2 matches. One of them was a foreigner passing by? and a 18year old "arthistick" chick. Then i went
down the badoo path which i didn't want to take since i remember when my friend was on it had a high rate of single moms(not hating, just don't want to be a step dad). Got like 3 likes and 2 matches. One was 37 year old unattractive woman and the second was a single mom lol. That was a major reality check for me.
Went back to my small hometown for holidays. Got like 2likes, 1 match with fat chick who ignored me after like 2 or 3 messages.

For a sec i went back into delusion mode and just thought my pics was shit. Got more serious pics but the results didn't change. And then when my colleague and my homie basically said i need to wear a hat, chicks probably think
you are going bald, i landed back into reality. But if i grew my hair out people will see my fucking grey hair.

So recently during holidays i grew my hair for some time. Went to a hairdresser and out of fucking nowhere she randomly brings up a client of her "who in a funny way has one eyebrow turning grey and other is normal
and he isn't even like 40" I litterally felt like all of air was knocked out of me, she literraly K'O ed me with this remark.

Now i am sitting here almost ready to give up the last 0.001% of hope i have to find a gf. I mean i can risk it and just try tinder with the new me but i will overthink every word and letter that comes out of my mouth in the anticipation of her seeing my grey hair. And i know i will instantly freeze up, turn red and start
to sweat.

So as i have nothing to loose i am ready to try any fucking pseudo or not, tibetan, grandma,chinese, alien remedy of combatting the grey hair with a 0.00001% possibility. I'm this fucking desperate

Edgar Anon Poe 22/12/29(Thu)08:12 No. 6932 ID: 2758ad

Grey hair is pretty cool to be honest.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/12/29(Thu)20:23 No. 6933 ID: 75bc60

Nobody cares about grey hair, especially not on men. For some it might make them actually look better, but even if it doesn't then you can just dye it.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/01/05(Thu)15:41 No. 6935 ID: 994083

All I took from this is that you still have a friend who took your picture. I'd either be doing a selfie or asking my mom to do it. You're a thirty year old adult and even relatively normal. Best to act like it, and that's my advice.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/01/12(Thu)18:54 No. 6945 ID: ffbf5f

I bet the 40 year old woman was hot as fuck

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