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i need a friend lonelybros Edgar Anon Poe 22/11/27(Sun)19:29 No. 6906 ID: 179f27

File 166957375518.jpg - (77.30KB , 1920x1080 , nyan cat.jpg )

posting this is really soy but im not exactly a socialite and i have no friends. on my mother's fax machine i have 0 added friends and im in 1 server (ghetto smosh official) and on iMessage i have my dealer & my nigger hating uncle. i need some tips on how to talk to people and meet people online or IRL. i am a catatonic schizophrenic so that also really fucks with my ability to branch out. ive tried finding people with similar interests but i dont know where to find people and honest to god i just need someone to fucking talk to. also i got banned from og runescape yesterday for calling someone a boot lipped porch monkey so ive been extra down in the dumps. i just need a buddy i promise im really super cool

Edgar Anon Poe 22/11/28(Mon)03:56 No. 6907 ID: 5ae794

i don't know man, finding friends should be easy if you are cool. go to where people are and be yourself. what are your interests?

Edgar Anon Poe 22/11/28(Mon)08:31 No. 6908 ID: 179f27

due to the schizophrenia i have pretty severe agoraphobia and am really shy. whenever i go to social events i cling next to the person im closest too and leave after like, an hour. anyways i like windows 7, cry of fear, silent hill, trees and their mycorrhizal symbiotic interrelationships with fungi, music, thinking, browsing 7chan, ghetto smosh, pokemon, collecting old consoles/DVDs/CDs/vinyls, ketamine, writing, collecting bones & biology. so yea im not the coolest but i just want a pal. never really have a long term boyfriend or best friend due to being this socially inept.

you were on 4 yesterday! Edgar Anon Poe 22/11/28(Mon)13:44 No. 6909 ID: e218b5

hey! it's me, anon! i saw you on the "other website." did you still want to chat somehow? maybe i could join your my mother's fax machine server

Edgar Anon Poe 22/11/28(Mon)16:14 No. 6910 ID: 179f27

oh shit, sure
slashstab asher#1975

Edgar Anon Poe 22/11/30(Wed)13:19 No. 6915 ID: cfd7be

What kind of server is it?

Edgar Anon Poe 22/12/10(Sat)09:52 No. 6920 ID: 179f27

made new account

Edgar Anon Poe 22/12/13(Tue)12:47 No. 6923 ID: f131e7

>my mother's fax machine

No thanks. Get a my mother's fax machine bridge and i'd turn up.

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