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Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/21(Thu)14:01 No. 6776 ID: d60e6c

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Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/21(Thu)14:02 No. 6777 ID: d60e6c

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Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/21(Thu)17:58 No. 6778 ID: afac20

Anyone else think it's kinda cruel to let people who are this severely retarded live?

Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/21(Thu)18:03 No. 6779 ID: dfcaed

This girl lived 13 years and she actually looks much better in this pic than most. Life must have been ceaseless torture.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/22(Fri)15:39 No. 6780 ID: 99733a

I agree. The humane thing would've been to put her out of her misery.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/22(Fri)16:24 No. 6781 ID: 53fd59

Did it finally die?

You have the loving embrace of god to thank for this masterpiece of biology.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/22(Fri)18:53 No. 6785 ID: 34ca75


I'd bet she was happier than a lot of anons, honestly. A shame her story doesn't make 'em shut the fuck up about how "bad" they have it and learn to be a little more grateful for their lots in life.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/23(Sat)18:00 No. 6787 ID: 65ba1d

I agree we should be grateful for what we have. I couldn't imagine living a life like that. It's inhumane to let people this disabled live. They will never be able to function as normal human beings and they will always be completely dependent on other people. They're a burden, a gross mockery of life.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/05/07(Sat)07:02 No. 6791 ID: b4258c


>It's inhumane to let people this disabled live. They will never be able to function as normal human beings and they will always be completely dependent on other people. They're a burden.

This sounds like a pot meet kettle situation to me.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/05/07(Sat)07:18 No. 6793 ID: 272320

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She couldn't be happy, retard. she was basically a brain-stem and nothing else. I'd be surprised if she had any consciousness what so ever. She basically was a Pavlovian drone.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/05/07(Sat)07:18 No. 6794 ID: 272320

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She couldn't be happy, retard. she was basically a brain-stem and nothing else. I'd be surprised if she had any consciousness what so ever. She basically was a Pavlovian drone.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/05/07(Sat)12:48 No. 6795 ID: 9b2a6e

Anon, pls. I take care of myself. I don't trust anyone else to!

Edgar Anon Poe 22/05/08(Sun)22:53 No. 6796 ID: 42f8e3

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>She couldn't be happy, retard. she was basically a brain-stem and nothing else.

Okay, and what's your excuse? See, I truly and ultimately understand now what leftoids and liberoids meant with white fragility and white mediocrity. None of you idiots would last a day in the shoes of a brown person in the third world. You have absolutely zero reason to be such a downer. The only reason you feel this way is because you're a mediocre, uninteresting white dude (likely from a milquetoast suburb) and are seeing other folks be ahead of you and it hurts your fragile ego. This is the last thing in the world you would ever admit so you mask your white fragility with a half-baked philosophy to make it seem like you're experiencing a greater injustice than you really are. The hardest obstacle you will ever encounter is the town skank turning you down or something.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/06/24(Fri)11:17 No. 6805 ID: 272320

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What the fuck are you talking about? Did you forget to take your medication or something? Is this projection? the fuck are you on about. You're in a thread about a literal potato person on a board for nihilists and incel school shooters on a website for pedophiles and loosers and you are suprised when people don't post things about the world being all sunshine and rainbows?

Kill yourself retard. the world sucks and doesn't give a single shit about you, me, or anyone else and sure doesn't give a shit about the meaningless life of this potato.

Go back to failchan looser.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/06/25(Sat)05:30 No. 6806 ID: 06d1ce


Actually, I just like busting balls. Because it's fun to watch y'all whine and moan and bitch when you have literally nothing wrong with you. You're not incels, pedophiles, whatever. You're just suburbanite white faggots too bored and too lazy to develop actual personalities pretending to be as inflammatory as possible for the attention Mommy and Daddy never gave you. Is this projection? No, I leave that to you lot. after all, you said it yourself. Go back to failchan. Heh, if it were up to me, every single imageboard would be wiped off the face of the internet. Why? Because maybe then you'd get things like jobs, lives, hobbies, instead of shitting up society with your "internet culture" bullshit. Also, I suspect you're a millennial, so calling someone else a loser when your generation literally is intimidated by fucking TikTok memes is pretty fucking rich. What's your generation's problem with kids? Why do millennials need to project their own flaws onto zoomers? Why do millennials need to blame zoomers for everything they themselves do? The wealth is still not gonna trickle down just because you think regurgitating boomerisms at the kids is based and redpilled. But like I've said, you say the same shit Mommy and Daddy told you at those kids because it's your way of admitting they were right without telling 'em. Why else would the generation behind the three headed internet hydra (Reddit, Tumblr, 4chan) whine about a glorified Vine knockoff?

Edgar Anon Poe 22/06/25(Sat)18:44 No. 6807 ID: fea893

this is the most sociopathic approach to the disabled I've ever heard. at least the other guys who want them dead want it as a mercy kill to them saying their life must be torture. you are just straight up like well they're a fucking burden why not off em not like they're doing society any favors. fucking hell man you're twisted.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/06/25(Sat)20:11 No. 6808 ID: 07a714


Boomerlennials love to talk shit about the disabled without realizing that, by their own standards, they should be discarded too.

>They will never be able to function as normal human beings and they will always be completely dependent on other people. They're a burden, a gross mockery of life.

Would describe a lot of his generation. I mean, they don't even own their own homes, they rent! Why are we allowing people to depend on others for shelter? I say ban renting and allow only owning.

See how fucked up that is? Not so fun when the shoe is on the other foot, of course...

Edgar Anon Poe 22/06/27(Mon)22:42 No. 6809 ID: 272320



TL;DR Kill yourself fag.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/06/27(Mon)22:47 No. 6810 ID: 272320

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You retard. It literally doesn't have a brain. It's stupider than a fish. That child was literally a brain stem. God you Christ fags are fucking worthless and I would genocide all of you were it not for the laws of this land. The same fags who got roe v wade appealed. you people d4eserve nothing but death by beheading.
Despite actual fucking science you don't care because you have your faith based dogmatic morality to you can all jerk yourselves off over.

Just die, please

Edgar Anon Poe 22/06/28(Tue)01:53 No. 6811 ID: 9ce0a6

That's not exactly a fair comparison. A person who regularly pays rent must have a stable income to be able to do so, so we can definitely assume this person is capable of taking care of himself to some degree. However, a person disabled both mentally and physically to the point of needing 'round the clock care cannot. Their family will either have to put their own lives on hold to care for them until they die, or their family will keep shelling out money to keep them in a care facility. Either situation is a massive burden, seemingly one some people are willing to carry.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/06/29(Wed)05:04 No. 6812 ID: 41efed


Why don't you make me, faggot? Stop whining. If you don't like what I have to post, don't fucking read my posts. Typical whiny millennialoid. Bitch made. You will own nothing and never be happy.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/06/29(Wed)05:06 No. 6813 ID: 41efed


Yawn. Try harder, faggot. I know you millennialoids don't like to do anything even remotely resembling work, but for once, for fucking once, TRY. Fucking sad shit. Everyone I don't like worships a fictional kike on a stick! God, grow up. Grow the fuck up. Dumbass millennial. I can't wait till you end up another opioid statistic like the rest of your worthless generation.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/06/29(Wed)23:47 No. 6814 ID: 978d8b


Cry about it


Massive boomer cope.
>Nazi poltard also

Some how not surprised. Your time is over old man.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/07/05(Tue)05:16 No. 6815 ID: 8cabfa


>Your time is over old man.

Now if only the millennials' time would be over too. Send the original Me Generation and the diet equivalent back to Hell from whence they came and let's rebuild society already.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/07/15(Fri)17:46 No. 6831 ID: 5790cc

>Heh, if it were up to me, every single imageboard would be wiped off the face of the internet.

But it isn't up to you so stfu

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