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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

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truly miserable Nyam 22/03/20(Sun)15:40 No. 6756 ID: b75f5b

File 164778722928.png - (1.27MB , 976x549 , Lone.png )

17 yr old w no hope in life, addicted to a multitude of drugs and desperate for attention. My only happiness is showing my tits to men online or making out with boys in my schools parking lot. Room is a disgusting depression hole with rotting food and bloody tissues. Already been to the mental hospital once for anorexia, still diagnosed with depression anxiety autism and anorexia. Can’t wait to end it all for good.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/03/20(Sun)18:13 No. 6757 ID: 80739f

Have you thought about adopting a pet? They can be fascinating creatures. You would still be pretty miserable, but at least you would have some much needed company in this shithole we live in

Edgar Anon Poe 22/03/21(Mon)01:03 No. 6758 ID: 2ec802

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could you blow me before you go? if not it's fine

I don't know if you'll be offended when I say get really really good at cooking, like culinary masterwork style cooking; it's a good hobby to both occupy time and to feed yourself. not to mention it's an impressive trick for any potlucks that go on if you find yourself getting invited to one.

and if you don't mind me asking, what drugs specifically? some can be harder to quit than others I've been clean from everything except alcohol for nearly 10 years now.

>>6756 Nyam 22/03/21(Mon)02:54 No. 6759 ID: c2479d

>could you blow me before you go? if not it's fine
Lol, mayb if ur not a p3do. And right now weed (heavy reliance), nicotine, and trying to get clean from opiates and adderall.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/03/21(Mon)04:31 No. 6760 ID: 2ec802

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not pedo, just sad and lonely. I use cooking as a good distraction, do you have anyone to cook for? any family member will do once you get good enough, I have been the main food maker at my house for a few years now. can you give me an idea of how bad your depression hole is? I really doubt you're living in the type of mess that might shock me, I've had a few good depression hole runs myself; so just trying to get an idea.

yeah some of those can be a lot of fun, I hope you aren't mixing them too much; could lead to dissociation, although I do understand some people look for an amount of dissociation in the first place

oof Malice 22/03/21(Mon)05:56 No. 6761 ID: 150d2c


Nyam 22/03/21(Mon)22:46 No. 6763 ID: b75f5b


I cook for myself occasionally, and back when I had more friends I cooked for them too. I’m actually doing alright with the anorexia, so food doesn’t bother me too much. And my room is just kinda disgusting lol, clothes and food everywhere.it could honestly be cute if I cleaned it up. But I just can’t bring myself to atm. It’s not unlivable or a hoarder situation by any means, just needs some work. It’s a pretty classic girls room I’d say. Lots of stuffed animals ad pink bedding and whatever

Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/10(Sun)20:00 No. 6771 ID: 682471

Hi want to get married?

Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/17(Sun)19:15 No. 6773 ID: 60b350

Are you still alive? Just curious.

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