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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

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Edgar Anon Poe 22/03/02(Wed)04:43 No. 6750 ID: 9f5ffe

File 164619258178.gif - (508.89KB , 500x477 , 1632781748603.gif )

Was bedridden for 7 years, enjoyed 6 months of recovery, then COVID hit and I had intermittent good times living in Europe with my new passport, started a business bought a house, restrictions all lifted happy as Larry.

Then the fire nation attacked and I got COVID, then long covid, then my condition from before resurfaced because of it now I'm back to being bedridden living in my parents house back in the states again with no end in sight.

Fucking hell I'm depressed, smoking a pack a day and probably gonna start playing WoW 14 hours a day again.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/03/08(Tue)12:07 No. 6751 ID: 273d68

File 164673764970.png - (92.77KB , 532x370 , neetpreparation.png )

you get to be hikki without the crippling shame congrats anon

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