Why define yourself on such a pointless thing. Achieve something. Learn a new skill. Learn a new topic. Create something. Make a birdhouse. Make a garden. Fulfillment and purpose come from within. Anything you do not get from within will turn to ash. The truth is life is a series of existential crises. You either take the lie, and exist with everyone else. Have the "normal things". Or you see past the lie, and are unable to take part in the social contract that is being normal. Life sucks, many who see this, are just seeing truth. There is no higher meaning. Just the meaning you make for yourself. Love, bah. Worthless. Transitory thing, requiring you to change who you are. To give up on your desires. All for physical sensation. Mastering a skill is achievement. Not learning, mastering. Practice at something for years. Learn everything going into the theory around said skill. There is purpose. There is the answer to why you are here.