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List Eeyore 20/05/09(Sat)09:40 No. 6468 ID: 68ab15

File 158901004741.jpg - (3.07KB , 125x125 , 156768516540s.jpg )

Does anyone have a list of things they want to do before you commit suicide.

Eeyore 20/05/09(Sat)10:22 No. 6469 ID: bc5350

No, why should I care if I would be dead? I don't want to, maybe it's reason.

Eeyore 20/05/18(Mon)20:37 No. 6473 ID: 958a92


Eeyore 23/01/26(Thu)22:45 No. 7018 ID: 0d9656

Find evidence of op being her. Ari yes. My list is not obliry.

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