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Edgar Anon Poe 20/05/07(Thu)06:46 No. 6456 ID: 8bf6d2

File 158882676645.jpg - (201.67KB , 956x960 , 1580414188619.jpg )

How many things in the future are you looking forward to?

The only thing giving me hope is living in a older-folks condo and having a bonfire on a regular basis as part of the complex's social events.

Does a such thing even exist? Or am I doomed for a life of disappointment?

Edgar Anon Poe 20/05/08(Fri)10:21 No. 6458 ID: 86ec01

I only hope for total human extinction, and that I'll be lucky enough to be around to see it happen (or at least start to happen).

Oh, and I highly doubt that there is any such thing as a housing complex of any variety that allows bonfires. Condos tend to be very crowded and therefore very flammable. Bonfires are usually build in large open areas on sand, like a beach or a desert.

If you like fire, why wait until you're old? Go make bonfires right now while you're still strong enough to lift the logs.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/05/09(Sat)05:21 No. 6467 ID: 8bf6d2

I live in a condo complex now which doesn't have space let alone allow for them. :(

I could move to a house and start my own (and hopefully have neighbours join) but that likely won't happen since I'm not a social person. The reason I've specified condo conplex is because it unites a group of people where any individual can be a "third wheel" of the group yet still be welcomed and accepted there without being a waste of circumference space. Usually older-folks condos have spoiled their residents with events and other such things (being a mailman I've seen first-hand the treatment they get. It's amazing.) So I figured it was more likely they would have that event over your regular condo complex but if such a thing exists for condos for all ages then sign me up!

Edgar Anon Poe 22/01/17(Mon)20:37 No. 6730 ID: 182caf

Hope for what? You sound as if you just had to abandon such society a long time ago.

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