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Goodbye. Eeyore 20/02/22(Sat)17:46 No. 6371 ID: 11bdc6

File 158238998545.png - (178.31KB , 800x600 , Wolf.png )

It's been a while. I miss you. This was all my fault. I'm so sorry. For everything. They told me things would get better. That I'm worth it. But they were lying.

You probably won't care. I don't expect you to. I was an asshole, and I'm going to get what I deserve. Please, don't try to talk me out of this. You know you want it. I never wanted to die alone, but I guess I deserve this. I never got the chance to tell you how much I love you.

Goodnight, R. Goodbye.

Eeyore 20/03/09(Mon)15:08 No. 6378 ID: 694377

R.I.P buddy

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