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Edgar Anon Poe 20/02/05(Wed)03:52 No. 6359 ID: 54c56d

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so I got promoted at my job and now I'm a phone salesman. today I got the calls' script and I was told to listen to my coworkers so I can pick up their conversation lines. that's no problem, but the thing is, I got scared, and it showed. I became very quiet through the work day and sat all hunched over
dealing with people is not my strong suit, but I've been asking for an opportunity to harden up to the things I fear or don't like, and now it came, sadly I'm just out of the loop
all I can do right now is pray for strength and courage

Edgar Anon Poe 20/02/05(Wed)12:09 No. 6360 ID: 694377

Honestly OP dealing with people is like learning how to play a game.
You have to learn how to be fake; You should watch this movie called "Sorry for bothering you" it's a really weird and goofy movie but it has some good points; Like it says in the movie, learn to put on your "White voice" you gotta act like you don't have care in the world man. Put on your white voice, op.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/02/05(Wed)12:44 No. 6361 ID: 9f02ee

>Put on your white voice, op.

Like Dr Dre and Eminem
Just imagine that everyone else in the building is
Puff Daddy
and you're Dr Dre or Eminem
Quote Sun Tzu at people
act like you're bigger than Prince (Formerly known as the Artiste'"

Edgar Anon Poe 20/02/05(Wed)23:37 No. 6363 ID: 54c56d

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I think I may have made a big deal about it. it still makes me anxious as hell, but I could more or less follow the script and I didn't stutter or anything like that
the supervisor that vouched for me to get into the position congratulated me and all. now I just have to manage my nerves and my posture and we're all set
my neck hurts like hell

Edgar Anon Poe 22/01/17(Mon)21:06 No. 6735 ID: 182caf

you better get some course about gardening. Stop wasting yourself, stop doing things the hard way

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