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Fuck my life Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/07(Sat)22:36 No. 6285 ID: 35dbea

File 157575457070.jpg - (326.17KB , 828x1752 , F4638197-9C08-4293-9183-B358AE19F7C4.jpg )

I’m literally going to die alone, no guy will ever date me. I thought I looked cute in this photo but nope, below a 4. Why was I cursed with being ugly? I will literally die alone never knowing love simply cause of how I look. Ugliness is a curse.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/07(Sat)23:57 No. 6287 ID: 681b32


Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/08(Sun)00:52 No. 6288 ID: 35dbea

It’s me I timestamped on >>>/b/ yesterday

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/08(Sun)05:06 No. 6289 ID: 4df093

File 157577798549.jpg - (39.38KB , 720x960 , 18527813_1854644791462838_5997750064588338463_n.jpg )

>>6285 Oh please, using a fucking app to find out how you feel is pathetic. To begin with, I feel better about myself, but I am ten times uglier than you. Those pieces of trash are worthless. You are either catfishing, or you are in need of some time out. Pic related, my ugly lesbian, transgender, furry ass. Just treat your life like a game, start putting all your points into charisma.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/08(Sun)05:22 No. 6290 ID: 35dbea


Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/08(Sun)08:35 No. 6291 ID: 35dbea

I want to apologize for this, I’m trans myself and said it just to experience transphobia from the other side for some morbid reason. I’m really sorry you don’t deserve the random hatred like that at all and I’m a terrible person.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/08(Sun)13:44 No. 6292 ID: 681b32

I think you're very mentally ill and enjoy wallowing in self hatred and disgust for yourself. You need help.
Your looks aren't the problem.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/08(Sun)21:27 No. 6293 ID: e8306b

Pretty sure someone wrote a song about you.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/12(Thu)06:16 No. 6296 ID: eff71a

>Lesbian, transgender, furry
If you're at the point where someone needs an algebra equation to determine what your gender identity actually is, and which you're attracted to, you should probably just stop.

Charisma has fuck-all to do with how you act or your personality. It's how much you can display wealth on your person. The nicest, most excellent person in the world is still a useless pauper when dressed in rags; but an ugly asshole is still the class president if you put a rolex on his wrist.

There is nothing in this world but money. Haven't you realized that yet?

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/12(Thu)06:52 No. 6298 ID: 596260

Sociopathy is a mental illness anon.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/20(Fri)07:23 No. 6304 ID: d5b71b

holy shit first you posted your picture everywhere on cuckchan and now here, just stop

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/20(Fri)07:43 No. 6305 ID: 56ba60

They already posted this exact same shit to /b/. And in that thread one thing has become crystal clear.

They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until every fucking board has their same nonsense story and picture posted to it.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/22(Sun)10:00 No. 6306 ID: c86d3e

And yet the richest and most successful people in the world are overflowing with it. Being selfish assholes is actually the defining trait of humanity; the more you are, the better your life.

But if you knew that, you wouldn't be here.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/10/17(Sat)07:03 No. 6543 ID: 5efe23

File 160291102233.jpg - (154.48KB , 900x818 , gey.jpg )


Edgar Anon Poe 22/01/17(Mon)21:08 No. 6736 ID: 182caf

>uglyness is a curse
DESIRES ARE. You cannot live for yourself while chasing them despertely

Edgar Anon Poe 22/03/17(Thu)05:43 No. 6755 ID: ad53d6

File 164749223742.jpg - (329.16KB , 720x531 , 1647460011498.jpg )

I think you look cute

Edgar Anon Poe 22/03/21(Mon)07:24 No. 6762 ID: 6e70ec

File 164784388335.jpg - (5.45KB , 150x263 , Srulik2.jpg )

You look good, if you think you look awkward when smiling, well...
You should have in mind everyone (or at least the majority of
people) have an awkward smile, you have braces from what I am
seeing, that's actually good, because your smile will look really
good in the aftermath.
Don't be so rude with yourself, I am not going to tell you "you
are beautiful", because what's beautiful for me might not be for
the person who I pay taxes to, just take care of your skin even though from what I am seeing your skin looks like is all right, try to not get obsessed with the shape of your nose, the thickness of your lips or the shape of your eyes, is not about being your self but about not being someone you are not.

Darth+Musturd 22/05/17(Tue)06:38 No. 6799 ID: 1c5a16

Honestly you don't look half bad. Ive seen ulgier'na hound dog and I've seen Purdy'er'n my first cousin.

Seriously though, I've seen this chick around my local area. She's ugly. I think she's strange as well. She has 2 boyfriends that "share" her.

4 is "below average" but only barely. And people are really really bad at judging things on an out of 5 or out of 10 scale. We have these weird biases. It's hard to explain but being slightly below average doesn't make you ugly. Being slightly above average doesn't make you hot. It's basically average.

Cheer up against the cold, femanon. Just do the best you can at life. Work hard and eventually, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a month, a year, a decade, or even in the final days of your life, good things will come. You reap what you sow.

May your curses become your blessings,
Darth Musturd

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