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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

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Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/05(Thu)07:45 No. 6281 ID: 6c6ba6

File 157552833550.jpg - (32.07KB , 720x571 , 56328632_291548195085686_2701079373104021504_n.jpg )

I like putting my fleshlight in the freezer for a couple nights at a time

feels just like a dead girl

i suggest any necbros give it a try

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/12(Thu)06:17 No. 6297 ID: eff71a

Dead things aren't colder than room temperature. Why the fuck would they be?

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/15(Sun)23:41 No. 6302 ID: 6c6ba6

maybe its from the concrete? its always colder downstairs

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/28(Sat)17:15 No. 6322 ID: 07df59

You're right, they wouldn't actually be colder than room temperature, bu keep in mind that is significantly colder than a living body.
Also, they may feel colder, the same way a piece of metal at room temperature does: by conducting heat away from the point of contact (although human bodies are not great conductors).

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