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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

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Edgar Anon Poe 19/11/24(Sun)16:12 No. 6272 ID: 64799f

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is compassion contrasted by strength?
I'm too soft and that makes me feel weak

Edgar Anon Poe 19/11/25(Mon)23:35 No. 6273 ID: f9cb5e

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if u think ur too soft get stronger mentally or physically

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/28(Sat)17:29 No. 6323 ID: 07df59

There's no gym where you can go to work out your personality and get mentally swole, you know.

No, compassion is a strength. Naivete is why you feel weak. You have invested your compassion unwisely.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/01/22(Wed)16:32 No. 6349 ID: 8990a7

then how do I wise up?

Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/30(Thu)17:28 No. 6449 ID: e89cd0

Experience, pain, failure, and occasionally success.

A bit of advice, just be more of an asshole.

It's easier than you think; worked wonders for me.

You can still have compassion and be an asshole some of the time.

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